20 week appointment on Monday, what to expect?

I’m going to be 20 weeks on Monday and that is my first appointment with my new doctor (I moved to a different city) and I was wondering what to expect. Every month i get nervous for my appointments! Hopefully it gets better soon. Thanks in advance


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  • At my 20 week appointment I had an ultrasound where we found out the sex (a girl) and they took measurements. They measure the head, femur bone, look at the hands and feet, check the heart and brain and other organs, they estimate the weight of the baby, etc. They asked me to have a full bladder, but I just couldn’t hold it anymore and went right before my appointment, but it was fine and she could still see everything she needed to see. Since this is your first visit with this doctor they might do more with you like go over your family history and I’m sure they will take a urine sample.

    Unfortunately at my 20 week ultrasound they found 2 small cysts on her brain so I had to get a hi resolution ultrasound a week later to get a closer look. I was told there is a 1-5% chance that something is wrong. They asked me to have a quad screening blood test and that came back fine, I was also offered amnio but refused because of the risks that go along with it.

    Source(s): 27 weeks along

  • Don’t be nervous! At my 20 week appointment my husband and I did our ultrasound. The ultrasound tech did a bunch of measuring and printed us out about 20 pictures of the little guy or gal and kind of explained what she was doing and what we were looking at the entire time and if things looked good…. like if she could see the kidneys and the 4 chambers of the heart and whatnot.

    Then we went for our regular appt right after that, got weighed, got blood pressure checked, the doctor listed to the heartbeat and that was it. Nothing to be nervous about!

  • they provides you with a urine try, verify your weight, in case you have not had a pap smear interior the previous 3 hundred and sixty 5 days you will get one among those, verify your blood tension. If it rather is your first appointment they’re going to ask you a team of question approximately your well being historic previous and your companions well being historic previous. you will get a blood attempt to check for some various issues, and in case you have not had one yet they’re going to possibly supply you a flu shot. additionally in case you have not had one yet they’re going to schedule or supply you an Ultrasound to check the due date and to confirm in case you’re have multiples. desire this facilitates and Congrats! additionally, they’re going to pay attention to the heart beat and if it rather is your first appt. supply you a breast examination.

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