A question about buying an auto insurance policy?

OK so if bought a truck would I be able to insure it under it’s own policy with me being the only driver if I only have a permit? Or would I have to wait until I get my provisional at 17?

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • If your permit requires you to have a fully licenced driver next to you (and most do), just about any insurer would refuse to issue a policy with yourself as the only listed driver. Way too many people have burned them in the past, so now they don’t trust anybody.
  • I would call an insurance company, they can answer this for you at no cost.each state has different laws. Here in Pennsylvania, i think you would be listed as a driver on your parents policy becuase technically you cant drive the car yourself without a licensed driver.

  • You are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here carsinsurancefree.info to solve the problem.

  • You actually can’t get your own insurance at all until you are 18/legal adult; you’d have to be listed and list your truck on your guardian’s insurance.

    Licensed insurance producer

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