At what age should you discipline a baby?

My baby is 11 months old, and it looks like she already knows how to play with her father and I. She cries as soon as we take away something from her, or if we put her in the car seat. The other day she started to grab a little boy’s snacks and would not give them back even though he was crying. We try to gently show her good behavior…but I wonder at what age should we just let her cry ?

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  • At 11 months, she’s old enough to understand some discipline, and some boundaries. The best way to discipline at this age is through guided behavior – tell her to give a toy back, then gently guide her hands to give the toy back, and finally praise her for doing what you asked. You’ll know when she’s intentionally disobeying, and that’s when you should start punishment as a form of discipline, but for now, just do what needs to be done, encouraging her when she does well. Unfortunately, crying is part of the process, so as long as she’s not crying so that she’s inconsolable, a few minutes of unhappiness when you take away something she shouldn’t have may just be part of her learning process.
  • If you take something from her she will obviously be upset if it was someting she was enjoying.You could explain what you are doing then try and distract her or offer a hug.Sounds like she doesn’t like her car seat.Perhaps give her a drink or a snack when she is in the car to keep her mind occupied or a toy that you save for the car.Kids take a while to learn manners or know what is acceptable just expain that is the little boys snack,give it back to him,say sorry to him and let her see how you handle it that way she might learn something through example.
    There’s one thing letting her cry and being all harsh and another doing the right thing but offering hugs and comfort at the same time.

  • I don’t mean to dote so please do not take this the wrong way… My daughter is just barely 7 months old and she already know the meaning of the words “no”, “don’t touch”, “put it on the table” and “good job”. When we tell her the commands requiring her NOT to do something, she is extremely responsive, even though she doesn’t like it. Partly because she has already experienced consequence for not obeying when we tell her ‘no’ or ‘don’t touch’. However, she also lights up and claps when we tell her ‘good job’ So I don’t think there is really any age that is too early to start disciplining. I strongly feel that the longer you wait to discipline, the longer it will take to break bad habits. Your baby will not like it when you tell them ‘no’ or negate an action they want to do… but it will pay off in the long run. Let her cry it out now and try to offer an alternative to what she wants that is acceptable.

  • right now you modle good behavior, so she takes a object your tell her, No thats ___, take it from her and give it back… then give her one of her own…

    same with toys or any object….

    if she hits you grab her hands and hold them and say No we dont hit, remove her to a play pen if needed (AKA she wont stop after you tell her no… leave her there for 1 minute)

    if she fights you, just ignore it and place her in there anyways, your stronger then her so just manipulate her body into the seat, you can say a firm No if you wish… but i find not saying anything in that situation works better..

    she will whine or cry if you remove stuff she wants… i try telling them… no you cant play with that that mommys, or thats not a toy…. if she crys, distract her with another toy…

    about 15mth you can try time out for bad behavior like hitting bitting… and 2 is the youngest you want to try spankings

    and she is old enough to just cry… she wants your cell phone but you say no, and isnt intrested in any other toy BUT your cell phone….well okay let her cry… it wont hurt her, the worst thing you can do is give her the object shes crying about

    mom to 2

  • she’s old enough to hear no. it won’t take her long to realise what it means. explain everything your doing, or why she can’t have what she wants, just with “No, you cant have those toys now, mummy needs to you ….”

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    I think age 2 your child should be discipline your child. Wen your baby is young let them do what they want! Letb them be babys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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