Atheists do you think morality is subjective and based on feelings? Is there a set of truths that all Atheist.?

(sorry) agree upon?


I know some atheists who disagree with abortion and contraceptives and some religious who agree with abortion and contraceptives.


Update 2:

I meant same sex marriage instead of contraceptives


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  • We are united by only one thing: A lack of belief in any deities. That’s it.

  • Morality is based on intelligence. We get morality forced upon us by religion and society, but intelligence and biology will always prevail. For 10,0 years all cultures and societies accepted polygamy as a way of life. About 10 years ago the catholic church forced their ideas on society at the point of a sword. We now have a 60% divorce rate and 30 million swingers across the US alone as well as 80% of men having affairs. Intelligence is trying to prevail.

    What business is it of yours, collectively, if two people who are in love want to get married. Stay out of their lives.

    We need to protect our young, Margaret Mead’s attitude aside, so we have determined what age children can come of age. It varies from culture to culture, Where I live girls get married at 13, but they do still protect the young of the society, molestation is almost non-existent.

    Abortion is an education and legal matter. One young lady in a group of unwed mothers noted that several of the girls had no idea how they got pregnant. If they had the education which religion tends to prohibit they may not have gotten pregnant or others need abortions.

  • Morality is entirely subjective. The only truth all Atheists can agree upon is that there is no god. Back to morality — even morals that people think of as “universal” are subjective, even to people who are deeply religious. Take war, for example, where the “sin” of murdering a man gets overlooked or ignored.

  • No, I assure you that there is no set of truths that all atheists agree upon. This is because most atheists are freethinkers, using our own logic and reasoning to arrive at conclusions and find truth. Atheism is the polar opposite of blindly following a set of prescribed truths that the group all agrees upon.

    As for me, I think that morality is subjective. Morals and ethics have so much gray area that it’s nearly impossible to be objective in many cases.

  • Research shows that the reason humans struggle with emotion to find equitable solutions is pinpointed the region of the brain called the insular cortex, or insula, which is also the seat of emotional reactions.

    The fact that the brain has such a robust response to unfairness shows that sensing unfairness is a basic evolved capacity.

    The emotional response to unfairness pushes people from extreme inequity and drives them to be fair. This observation shows our basic impulse to be fair isn’t a complicated thing that we learn.

    It therefore fully illustrates that all humans have morals controlled by the brain and that Christians are entirely wrong to try and claim morals as their own!!!!

    But Christians found a way round it!!

    Government statistics show that christians are vastly over represented in prisons for sexual, violent and fraudulent crime!!

    The Catholic church is paying millions in compensation for the sex/pedophile crimes of their priests alone!!

    Christians are vastly over represented in the divorce courts!!

    Christians invented the concept of sin and then the idea that you could sin, ask forgiveness, get pardoned and start with a clean sheet!!

    So no surprise that they are so expert at it is it?!!!

    Whilst many Americans claim that America is a shining Christian, moral nation blessed by God they could not be more wrong.

    The higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy and abortion!!

    The US is the world’s only prosperous democracy where murder rates are still high!!

    Rates for gonorrhoea in adolescents in the US are 3 times higher than in less devout democratic countries. America also has uniquely high adolescent and adult syphilis rates, and adolescent abortions!!

    All the lesser devout nations developed countries are the least dysfunctional!!!

    Source(s): California Institute of Technology
    Journal of Religion and Society

  • Morality comes from the mind so by it’s very nature is subjective. But it doesn’t only come from feelings. We(and all people) use our experience and logic to base our morality. There are no set truths for Atheists. We completely lack dogma.

  • Speaking only for myself (since most atheists are NOT part of any organized anti-theist group), I will only say that if I based my morality on the doings of the monstrous god of the monotheists, I would be the most immoral human being on this planet.

    I subscribe to the Golden Rule, because every moral act has its roots in this universal rule. And NO, Jesus (a fictional character) did NOT invent it, because it goes all the way back to the days of Zeus.

  • What i am going to get from it is you want many different religious and non religious human beings are basing an complete everyday crew of persons less than the banner from that you word yet some. In different words you spot 3 Atheists bounce to paintings and anticipate all of us do. you want many earlier you’ve a stupid 0.5 a**ed argument without authentic lower back bone. information are information theories are open to interpretation information are not to any extent further. And speaking on morals i might want to lower back off that one if I were you. Atheists are the in simple terms human beings to do good for no reward. We seek for no heaven.

  • Morality is definitely subjective for everybody. People who think of themselves as members of a religious sect that professes to provide moral guidance, pretend that this is how they decide what is right and wrong, but real life is always too complicated for any list of dos and don’ts to cover everything that comes up. Everyone ends having to make subjective judgments on what feels right and what feels wrong for them.

    Keep in mind that there is no choice you can make for action you can take, that is forever a good thing for everyone it affects for the rest of time. Likewise, no action can be forever bad for everyone affected for the rest of time. That is why we do not hold people accountable for every effect their actions cause, only for the immediate effects and their intentions. We do the best we can at imagining the future effects of our actions, with the mental equipment we have.


    John Popelish

  • No. We are not a religion – we have no agreed upon dogma or liturgy. The word atheist means, “someone who does not believe in any God” and that is all. That singular lack of belief is the only thing that we have in common. We may belong to any political group, any racial group, hold any number of beliefs in other things which are not a Divinity and still be atheist by definition.

  • I think that there are certain moral notions that are more or less consensual, such as striving not to harm or to cause undue pain. When we say that morality is subjective, we’re referring to the situations in which you apply your ethics, not the ethics themselves. We’re not saying that murder is okay if the person committing it doesn’t think it’s immoral — that is one rule that isn’t open to debate. However, the morality in real-life situations isn’t always black and white. For instance, we all agree that lying is wrong in most situations, but if you must lie in order to save someone’s life, is it still wrong to do it? Basically, what might be immoral in one situation can be completely acceptable or even the ethical choice in other situations. The variance is between situation to situation, not person to person.

    Lesser morals are also subjective. Some feel that it is immoral to have sex before marriage. Others say it’s not immoral because no one is getting hurt. Since there is no harm being inflicted onto another person, we can say that these kinds of ethics are subjective. The bigger ‘sins’, such as murder, are not open to debate, however.

    There is no doctrine or set of rules in atheism. The only unifying factor is our lack of belief in god. The rest differs from person to person. When it comes to morality, we only share as much as we do with the rest of mankind, not because we’re all atheists, but because we’re all human beings. That being said, there is a trend towards certain lesser morals amongst atheists. Not all, but many are pro-choice. Many don’t see premarital sex as immoral. Neither of these are clearly laid out in a set of laws, but there are certain correlations. Of course, there are also pro-life and pro-abstinence atheists; aside from the lack of belief in god, there are no unanimous opinions.

    Edit: Moral truths are usually vague or generalized concepts, such as not harming each other. It’s the more specific stuff that is subjective.

    Source(s): I think most of us can agree on the golden rule — treat others as you’d like to be treated.

    Also, I’m excluding sociopaths when I talk about unanimous morals. Subjectivity is only present when you actually have something to compare to others. Sociopaths have no moral code, therefore having no morals to compare with that of the majority. Plus, not feeling guilty isn’t an excuse for doing wrong.

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