Building credit (credit scores)?

I just checked my credit score on MyFico and my credit score for Equifax is 637, is that good? I just started building my credit february. I had none before hand.


Yes, I just got a credit card about a month and a half ago (just got my first bill due on August) and I’m paying in full. I’m trying to keep it under 30%. I’ll probably just be using it to fill up my car each month (about $40±) my credit limit is $200 so about $60 is 30%

1 Answer

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  • That’s good for someone starting out.

    Do you have a credit card?

    Lets get you some top scores with that card.

    Use it for small things you need like food or gas.

    Pay in full each month – never dare carry a balance.

    Never use more than 30% of your available limit

    Ex: $500 limit, never use more than $150 at any time during the month.

    By paying in full, you never pay interest and get scores that will amaze any future creditor

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