Can a muslim convert to judaism and live in Israel?

I am a muslim for Malaysia and im tired of Islam. I want to convert to judaism and be given full citizenship in israel upon my conversion.

Is it possible for me to do that?

Btw im asian


to that guy who said about worshiping jews.

yes jews are gods chosen people and i want to be one of them. Its a religion right? so whats so wrong about being closer to god?

If you are religious and you love god, convert to judaism. the truth has already be set.


✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • you can become a jew but you will never get full citizenship.

    black hebrews from Ethiopia dont get it what else a new convert?

  • Why don’t Jews in Israel convert to Islam? If all convert then actually there can be peace and main difference between Israel and West Back/Gaza will just be economic which is much easier to deal with. ps- Stop being bigoted, and stop asking stupid questions.

  • well as a human.. God gave you free choice in your life.. I suppose you can go out and kill someone if you want.. you can do anything your heart desires.. but yes there will always be consequences to any choice you make in life..

    If you want Judaism.. go for it.. but eventually you’ll answer to your life choices..

    if you are a true muslim and understand Islam fully.. there is no need to convert to judism, cause as muslims we believe in every single world Moses (the jewish prophet) said.. Why do you want to convert when you already as a muslim believe in Moses and the same god Moses prayed to? you must not know Islam well.. read more before you convert..

    in Islam we know that all biblical propehts are from the same God.. Moses, Jesus, Abraham, Noah, etc etc etc.. and we believe in those prophets that brought written messages.. Moses, Jesus, David and Mohammed.. we believe its all the same message cause its from the same God.. but whats in the books today is not the original message.. but we do believe in them in the original form..

    so whats to convert?

  • Yep, Ive heard of Chinese and Japanese Jews.

    Need more people to fill out the apartment blocks in Palestine.

  • No, you can not become a Jew. Only those can be a part or enter into Judaism who have pure blood relation to Hadrat Ibrahim and especially to Hadrat Ishaq.

  • 5 mins ago you asked us to worship Jews, I smell a troll.

  • A Reform Rabbi would be best for you.

    Source(s): Jewish

  • Some like it jew.

  • Wow. Kick some more Palestinian Christians and Muslims from their homes. Nice job Zionist.


    Source(s): Arab Christian

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