Can you HELP me with my GERMAN?

I’m writing a poem for my foreign language day project, and I feel as if it contains a myriad of errors, can you correct it for me please?

Biest ins dem nacht,
das haben mir aufgewacht,
was habe ich gesagt,
das hast du angstlich gemacht?

Ist es dein fruendin leben,
das mann werde nehmen,
zu anheizt sein streben,
Betonen das machst du beben?

Oder ist es unser kaltstart,
Das machen mir hasst du derart
oh biest sehr behaart?

Ich bin erpicht,
zu wie Ich denke die antwort nicht,
und wie wir geben nicht
jede hinsicht

jetzt Ich begreife,
ich macht Behandlung nicht,
Alle gelegentlich tot,
letztendlich wir bist gleich

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    I’m a native speaker, but I find it difficult to understand what you’re trying to say. A lot of those line don’t really make any sense.
    It would be easier if you could provide an english translation.

  • Answerer 2

    You tried really hard. You wrote your poem in rhymes, which are not really expressing the meaning of it. It sure was a great effort, to write this poem and I admire your good will. Unfortunately, by no stretch of the imagination i am able to correct it, sorry.


  • Answerer 3

    Beast into the night,
    that have woken me
    what I have said,
    you made anxious?

    Is it your fruendin live
    the man will take,
    strive to be fueling,
    Emphasize that you do tremble?

    Or is it our cold start,
    That make you hate me so
    oh very hairy beast?

    I am eager,
    I do not like to think the answer,
    and as we do not give
    every respect

    Now I realize
    I makes no treatment,
    All occasionally dead,
    ultimately we’re the same

    I have only lived in Germany for two years, but that is what I got, you had next to no large errors.

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