can you raise a parrot without its cage and without its wings clipped?

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  • Cages are essential for the birds good health. Birds will go to their cage on their own to rest, eat, feel safe. They are territorial & in my experience really enjoy having their cage available. The cage is also a good place for climbing—good exercise plus helps keep claws & beak trim. If your bird is not safely put away in a sturdy cage while you are not there to supervise it, it will chew your furniture, climb curtains, get tangled in drapery/blind cords, knock over lamps & knick-knacks, crap everywhere, chew electric cords (a very real electrocution risk). They can get stuck behind furniture, in vents, fall into toilets, climb into dryers that are left open. Open cabinet doors & get into toxic chemicals, chew up your cherished collectibles or valuables, chew your electronics & remotes. This is all stuff I have seen happen. If it’s a matter of money, if you cannot afford a cage you cannot afford a bird. As for wing clipping, that’s a personal choice, I clip some of my birds, some I don’t clip. The term “wing clipping” can be misleading to the uninitiated—-the wing tissue is not cut or damaged. Only a few feathers of each wing are trimmed, they grow back.

    Source(s): 30+ years w my birds

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