Can you tell me a story?

I like stories. 🙂

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  • One day, I was shopping in the grocery store minding my own business, when I saw a rat skitter across the floor. I launched backward at the site of it and a cracker box toppled down over my head. I turned and unbelievably I saw more rats shuffling where it had ben, and then I notice the other boxes across the shelves and long isle moving and one by one begin to tip off. To my horror more rats cluster behind them and scamper across the shelves! Rats! Rats! RAts! RATS!! They were everywhere! I look to the box of cerieal in my hand and see a rat head peaking out of a hole in the corner, I throw it away before it climbs up the box onto my arm, and like a freaking grenade, the box slams into a farther shelf, and rats shoot out like a explosion on impact! Their discernible individual brown furry bodies and long tails distinct in mid air!
    Terror glistens in my eyes as I swing around and to my utter doom and seizing horror, a huge wave of rats like a TYPHOON waves toward me. I scream and franticly claw my way up to the tops of the tall shelves.
    All around me I was surrounded! The isles were flooding with rats that were quickly rising to the last shelf. I madly dash forward running on top of the shelves, stepping on squeaking and screaming rat bodies that get in my way. “Some one!” I screamed, “HELP!!” The sea of rats is filling up now, as more and more rat squeals are herd. I see the glass doors in the near distance. I aloud a war cry as I leap into the air off the 7-feet shelves and launch threw the 2 yard distance between my and the sunny glass doors, in slow motion. Rats sailing besides me. I crash threw the shattering windows and tumble and roll on my back away outside. Cut up and bleeding and bruised but ok. looking sexy. I then turn and see the whole building leak with rats falling of the window seals and blocking the doorway. The noise I would never forget.
    A medic car is behind me along with other crouching and shocked shoppers. We were all safe now. I told myself, and cross myself from the experience. The End.
    – Chosen by Asker

  • Once upon a time there was an ugly barnacle. It was so ugly that everyone died. The end.

  • Once upon a time…and they lived happily ever after.

  • Once upon a time, in te dark nights of the snowy, icy grounds of Russia. There is said to be a man, who was old, no one really knew what he looked liked. No ones know why. People who always go search for him never come back, it remains a mystery until now. Me and my search crew brought with us the latest gear and equipment to survive. We saw the man then he let out a tremendous and stinkiest fart ever. We emidiately died. But our high tech cameras kept the film. We were found later in India. Now they know that Russia wasn’t making missile threats.

  • One time… I forgot what I was saying.

  • In the mists of time it is said man lived in a paradise. All he had to do was reach out his hand to partake of fruit and there was no strife among them. Now in this time, man was weak. He feared the night, and all creatures were free to hunt him. The Earth seeing this, sent man a gift. The Freezing Times. During this time, men told stories, shared ideas, and bonded one to another. When the spring came, they celebrated the warmth and the return of food. They learned to work together and save for the next freezing time. And they became strong!

  • Once upon a time there were three bears… now theres thousands. The end.

  • Once there was a wealthy man but foolish man. When he saw the beautiful three-storied house of another man, he envied it and made up his mind to have one built just like it, thinking he was himself just as wealthy. He commissioned a carpenter and ordered him to build it.
    The carpenter consented and immediately began to construct the foundation, the first storey, the second storey, and then the third storey.
    The wealthy man noticed this with irritation and said:- ” I don’t want a foundation or a first storey, a second storey; I just want the beautiful third storey. Build it quickly. “

    A foolish man always think only of the results, and is impatient without the effort that is necessary to get good results.
    No good can be attained without proper effort, just as there can be no third storey without the foundation and the first and the second storeys.

    The end of my story !!!

  • There was Zombie in Paradise.he was because he used to ate bad people.he was infected when he was playing resident evil when he was child.the only reason he could recognized good people from bad people was the will of the author. since he was not cured when his physical body died, The owner of heaven turned his soul to a Zombie in order to tell his sibling he is that powerful. The feel of hunger and the need to eat was removed from him and he could just wandering through there. He was bored, very bored. His best time on earth has been gone and he had eternity of doing nothing and just watching around made him crazy. in one night, when he was at the bar and explaining how a zombie can come to heaven to a bartender, one masked man came to him and said there would be a halloween -like party in the roof of this Place. the password is “eatmenow”.it was normal to disappearing at once there and when that happened, Zombie did not surprised. “what is good in non-eating halloween party?” Zombie asked himself but he made his decision. he could remember that the masked man T-shrt and the thing which was written on it. “we’ll give it back”. was it the appetite?…
    find out next week

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