can you text in 911 emergencies?


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  • If you cant right now, you should be able to in the future.

    I think that currently, 911 operators are audio oriented, and voice audio telephone conversations are still the most familiar to a lot of people. However, if a texted call for help is received, someone MUST be able to respond to that too.

  • you mean, texting a 911 dispatcher? No.

    Texting in a 911 emergency is actually pretty dangerous, I’d say. The dispatcher needs information as fast as possible so they can send someone asap to the site of emergency. People take a long time to text. Where it would take less than 10 seconds to tell them your address via phone call, it could take over 2 minutes by text message. Just for the address.

  • I saw a news that you would be able to text them in 2014.

    I think texting 911 is a great idea.. Like ya know when theres a murderer in the house. So that they cant hear you

  • I would not be texting.

    Firstly, if you could there would be a delay.

    Responding back would also be extremely slow.

    911 (America), 0 (Australia), or 999 (UK) is strictly for EMERGENCIES ONLY and not for people just wanting to talk to someone. Yes, there are people out there who are lonely and just want to talk which only wastes the operators time and holds up REAL emergencies.

    However, I would suspect..I may be wrong here that they would be ‘special’ typing (ie written) for people you have HEARING impairments and/or VISUALLY impaired (ie braille).

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  • If you can’t now, you should be able to by next year but you probably can do it now.


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