Electric car: CATL unveils a revolutionary battery that lasts 16 years, or 2 million km

CATL unveils a revolutionary battery that lasts 16 years, or 2 million km

Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Ltd. (CATL), a pioneering force in the automotive industry, has unveiled a groundbreaking electric vehicle battery that promises an unprecedented lifespan of 16 years or an astonishing 2 million kilometers. This revolutionary innovation is set to redefine the future of electric cars, offering unparalleled durability and efficiency. The new battery’s impressive

All information about pagers AR-924

In today’s world of rapid communication, it’s hard to believe that there was a time when staying connected meant carrying a small device that buzzed to alert you of an important message. Pagers, also known as beepers, have been around since the 1950s and were the precursor to mobile phones. One such model, the AR-924,