Does having a baby help keep a marriage together?


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  • i think yes it should… although in my case it is not helping…bcz sometimes men are just dogs and all they care about is their ego and extra affairs at any cost no matter if its their own kids… my husband dont give a **** if he has one kid… he still is mre than ready to have divorce

  • In short, no. It may do for a while, but will never last, and its really not fair on the child to have to go through that. If both parties arre serious about keeping the marriage together, the best bet is to see a marriage counselor before having a babie

  • No.

    The reverse.

    If the marriage is troubled one way to guarantee it will fail is to add a baby to the mix.

    Then you have an innocent victim.

    Never ever have a baby unless the marriage is already rock solid to be able to withstand this very testing period.

  • No. If the marriage already has problems, the responsibility that comes with the baby will only make it much worse.

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  • Never. It adds new stresses and a new set of problems to the marriage, without addressing the existing problems.

  • if it is shaky marriage and has a bad foundation … then no.. a baby wont fix anything

    it will add to the problems..

    work out ur problems first…then when u feel everything is cleared up..think of having a baby.

  • Yes and No,

    Yes because you will feel like more of a family and you will be attached.

    No because babies can be stressful and if divorce, it will affect the baby majorly.

  • if there isn’t love between you 2 , than no . and if your married because of money or something than yes .

  • If the couple r happy then yes

  • No, it adds many problems.

    Source(s): Have 3 kids, married 30 years.

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