Gold prices and USD prices?

I believe gold prices and $ prices are inversely proportional. What define gold prices and $ prices? I mean to ask what are the factors that effect these two?

Now a day, gold prices are falling rapidly in Pakistan. Does it mean the same scenario in other countries? I bought some Australian currency for saving purpose. All other currencies except $ have badly depreciated in Pakistan. How can we speculate the increase in the prices for currencies and gold?

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  • Gold is in bad shape all over the world. Apart from its competition in investment scenario- with reality … it has strong competitor in notional trade across the category i.e. commodity Vs currency…. and that’s because after fall from 140$ to 40$ ( when experts were speculating $240) international notional traders are not comfortable with oil.

    So, what remains is the strongest currency Vs Gold. presently USD holds the spot so naturally opposite traverse along the price line.

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