Has anyone tried Fertilitea??? Experience?

I just bought…what do u guys think based on ur experience???


✅ Answers

  • Ok first off i’m aware this question is old, but I hope you didn’t let the first answer scare you away from using FertiliTea. I like you was willing to try everything to concieve. I bought fertilitea after great reviews. My first complaint was it gave me horrible headaches, but I reduced my intake by one cup. Within the first month (didn’t even finish the bag) i got a BFP. This was amazing because I couldn’t even get a positive OPK until this tea let alone a BFP. My pregnancy went great, and now I have a healthy baby boy. I plan on using the tea again if I have problems again in the future. I hope things worked out for you by now. If not good luck and lots of baby dust.

    I would also like to add I stopped drinking the tea after positive OPK as the bag states it is not safe during pregnancy. So i would suggest doing the same. Talk to your doctor if you’re on any other mediciation before trying FertiliTea.

    Source(s): Experience

  • Just because something is “natural” doesn’t mean its “safe”. Remember hemlock tea is all natural but it will kill you if you drink it. In fact in ancient times they used hemlock tea to execute people. I am an avid supporter of natural healing but you have to be very careful when ttc, pregnant, or breastfeeding. Many herbs that are safe can be very harmful to an unborn child or baby (through breastmilk). My best advice to you is to talk with a doctor trained in herbal remedies. My primary care doctor uses both herbal and traditional medicine. If you aren’t having fertility problems don’t try any treatments just use home ovulation tests. If you are having fertility problems see your ob to work out what the best course of treatment would be and what your options are. Best of luck and baby dust!

    Source(s): I’m an SPN.

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