How can I date a celebrity?

Now I know it would be really rare to date a celebrity but we are both thirteen and he doesn’t have that many girls liking him, BTW I’m talking about Cameron Boyce the actor from Jessie on Disney I have talked to him on twitter before but I wanna date him!! Lol I know this sounds stupid to ask but you know;)

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  • Firstly, I think the most important thing when dating someone is liking them for who they are – their behavior, fun little quirks, intelligence, etc. – not just because he or she is a celebrity or has some sort of fame within popular culture.

    The fact that someone is famous is enticing, but that should not be part of the reason for an interest in pursuing a relationship.

    Also, talking to someone over twitter here and there does not mean you know this person very well, so the thought about the possibility of dating is somewhat slim. Have you two ever met? What’s his favorite book? What’s his favorite restaurant? If you don’t know the answer to any personal details such as those, the conversation via twitter may just be a friendly gesture toward fans.

    I don’t mean to sound offensive for saying that, however.

    I hope this information helps you.

  • there’s some motives. One is they see different celebrities very often because of fact they are on the comparable social point. that is annoying to stay away from different celebrities and that they only have not got the time to discover a non-action picture star as much as now. courting yet another action picture star skill they are able to the two understand what the different is going by at cases while acceptance supplies them issues, etc. Celebrities especially lots consistently attend comparable issues like awards, premieres, golf equipment, inns, motels, etc. some action picture star relationships are exposure stunts. One action picture star must be much less nicely regular than the different and could stay nicely regular by being regular and respected (or no longer) because of fact the female chum/boyfriend of the extra nicely regular action picture star. the two celebrities must be falling from acceptance’s graces, and party to maintain up extra severe profile relationships. this is often a proper risk for celebrities to apply one yet another. they could be courting basically to maintain their acceptance. funds. some celebrities are richer than others, or maybe nonetheless maximum celebrities are rich and delicate adequate in terms of money, some will date yet another action picture star because of fact the different action picture star has extra funds. And as quickly as a action picture star starts off courting somebody who isn’t a action picture star, the non-action picture star rapidly especially lots will become a action picture star because of fact they earnings acceptance by being regular because of fact the important different of the action picture star.

  • Not gonna happen unless your a celebrity.

    Very rarely do celebrities date fans.

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