how do you start potty training?

i think its time to start potty training my 2 year old son. i have no idea where to start. he kinda has a little thing where when he has to go he will go stand in a corner and no one can look at him. ive had friends parents say let him run around without a diaper on and when he has to go hes gonna have to tell you cus there’s no diaper but im worried he will just go anyways.. i just need advice on how to start it and be successful. i’m 18 i’m alone and have no one to go to for help.


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  • Pay attention to the times when you normally notice he needs changing, e.g. does he usually go after meals? Then, at this time, take him to the toilet, place him on it, and see what happens. Stay with him, maybe even read a book with him, until something happens. He needs to associate sitting on the toilet with pooping/peeing.

    It can take a really long time to train kids to use the toilet, and they will make lots of mistakes – don’t get upset if they make a mess, and praise them for doing things right. It may take a few months, or a year or more. Just be patient. I don’t like the no-diaper method – you will have pee and poop all over the place!

  • most kids wont be ready until late 2’s early 3’s.. your son will tell you when he is ready by telling you that he needs a poo or a week before he does it in his nappy.. but now it is summer it is the perfect time for training because you can let them walk around the house with no nappy on or out in the garden and provide a potty or flower patch where they can wee, poo should really always be in the potty dont put pants on him yet because he wont understand that there is no nappy there. You can give a chocolate button or a sticker for each time he uses the potty so he has a good incentive to do it 🙂 The biggest thing to remember is while training they do have accidents and that is okay, do not make a huge deal out of it just clean it up and try again.. patience is the most import thing x

    Source(s): potty trained 2 kids 🙂

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