How hard is it for someone to find out where I live?

This guy online says he wants to kill me and said he is going to track down my IP. He already knows what state I live in since I told him before. Whats the chance of a street thug actually finding out my street address?

✅ Answers

🥇 Best Answer

  • From an IP you can get a general location, but its not Down to.even street level. Sometimes not even city.
    – Chosen by Asker
  • IP address is like a postal address for PC’s, don’t take it lightly, drop off the radar for a while, I lost contact with a friend because she had a stalker , he knew where she lived and worked, send text messages to her cell, describing what she was wearing, or if having a party at home,so she had to stop using the internet all together to get peace. All she could do in AU was take out an AVO. He was SAS trained.

    IT Tech

  • call the police dont act dumb on the internet, if u dont want trouble then.

  • Does he know your name? – Google it your name and see what shows up….

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