how has martial arts changed your life and why?


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  • I used to be overweight, shy, and pretty much ugly. I started kung fu two years ago and all that changed. I lost weight, built muscles, became confident and I’m not bad looking (if I do say so myself).

    Why what? Why has it changed my life? Well, exercising tends to make you lose weight and build muscles. Learning skills on how to handle a situation makes you confident and being healthy and confident tend to make you look better.

  • Back in school when I was in year 6 I used to get into fights but there was always someone better than me , I started kickboxing, I fought the guy and only used push kicks as I could not do a roundhouse much effectively but my punches were excellent for that age, I was something like 11? And yeh, then I when boxing, to improve punches, I then went karate but it was BS, I didn’t like it so I left it, I then went muaythai and I loved it… Not many people can touch me now, and almost noone in my year group. Also I can controll myself , and by getting taught the philosophy of every martial art I sometimes come up with my own stuff,,, so yeh its helped

  • It made me more physical. Gave me an amazing passion and something I strive to be better at. The first thing it did was give me confidence, made me think I could easily beat anyone! But now that I’m a bit more humble, I also realized it gave me responsibility, and that we as martial artists have the power and training to kill, so we have to use control, even in a self defense situation. Besides weight training, for me there is nothing like martial arts.

    Source(s): Life as a martial artist.

  • Martial art will change your life when you realize the world is your dojo. By this I mean that you apply what you learn inthe dojo to your everyday life Example: aikido = learn to flow, blend, evade Judo, jujutsu = learn the path of least resistance And the list could go on forever. Has martial art saved my life? Yes absolutely in every sense of the way, including defending myself or being “aware” enough to not have to come to the point where I need to defend myself. Martial art is a way of life.

  • Martial arts changed my life Bc at 1st I wasn’t very confident or muscular or flexible but since I started karate my confidence soared n I’m able to do things I never thought was possible for me and dropped alot of weight and developed a 4 pack and I’m alot stronger physically emotionally n mentally.

    Source(s): Martial arts training

  • Nothing dramatic like it saving or changing the course of my life. I’m definitely more fit now, since I used to be a scrawny kid and my lady likes that. Much stronger which comes in handy time to time. But biggest difference is just my outlook in life, and seeing firsthand how much dedication to training can make so much happen. I take that into rest of my life and make all the things I wanted or wanted to do and train for it.

  • I can travel around the world and know that if when I find a school that is related to my style, I have friends in that city. I will usually find an Okinawan or Japanese Karate dojo and call them to see if they will let me train with them (the answer has always been yes) then afterwards, we usually go to dinner and I have people I can ask questions about the place.

  • I have done Krav Maga in NYC 3 days a week for the past 4 years and it has really helped me to gain optimal health and fitness, be more self aware and aware of my surroundings, gain confidence in my own abilities, and use my body to defend myself and others in a practical way.

  • i have confidence to walk down the road now.

  • It hasn’t caz I never tried it


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