How is Shanti Devi not proof of reincarnation?

When Shanti Devi was 4 years old she alarmed her parents that this is not her home, she is pregnant, has a husband, lives in Mathura and more. The case was heard by Gandhi and he set up a commission to investigate. She knew everything about her past life- her name, her husband’s name, how she died, where exactly her house was, where she had hidden the money and more. They tried to trick her and introduced her husband as her husband’s brother and she immediately saw through the trick and said he was her husband. The committee watched her closely and she was able to prove everything. Even Swedish journalist Sture Lonnerstrand went to debunk the case and interviewed everyone involved and became convinced she was truly reincarnated and wrote the book “I have lived before”. Reincarnation is the truth, how can it not be?

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? Best Answer

  • I believe in reincarnation, but I wouldn’t use testimonies as proof as they’re quite prone to scams. It only makes sense that we wouldn’t remember our past life very much. On the other hand, it’s not impossible, but since it’s mostly unlikely I can’t take these stories very seriously.
    – Chosen by Asker
  • because God is the only one who has ever been born more than once on earth.

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