How to make any guy want you like crazy?

I am in a relationship. I am just curious. What would you say would make any guy want a girl like crazy. Characteristics, personality, etc

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? Best Answer

  • LOL nice joke. Any girl that is seriously that desperate no guy will go for. I am attracted to girls that don’t go out of their way to get my attention. I am not attracted to girls that desperately want me or sex. I am attracted to a girl who has a life of her own and a lot going for her, someone I can love, trust, and be with in the good and bad times in life.. You have the wrong idea of what a relationship “should” be about.
    – Chosen by Asker
  • What is with you girls? Just be yourself, and make him feel as if he needs you by showing him love, care, and concern towards all things he does that aren’t good. And show him a smile and pride towards all that he does right.

  • There is no magic formula. Different guys like different things in a girl. But most guys like a girl who is attractive, fun to be with and makes them feel good about themselves when they are with her.

  • Different guys want different things. There really is no one thing that’s going to get all the guys.

  • Boys that are in their teens or early 20s would want sexy looks. Real men usually after age 25 or so want a lady that knows how to be a lady. Letting us know what age men or boys you’re into would help answer this question better. 😉

  • Respect yourself. Be somewhat intelligent. It’s not neccessary to be Einstein, but be able to manuever through life. You’ll never attract every guy in the world, because every guy is attracted to a different kind of woman. But, at the basis of self-respect, and being who you genuinely are (even if it’s an asshole) will always attract more people. There’s a crowd attracted to every kind of person.
    Even a classy hoe isn’t going to attract every man.

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