How to prepare my body for a first baby?

50 pounds overweight and I will start diet and exercise tomorrow… What else can I do? I know that you need to start taking prenatal vitamins… anything else?

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  • Make sure you get enough folic acid. Your prenatal vitamins should cover it, but try to eat foods that are rich in it: studies show that women who have diets high in folic acid before becoming pregnant and in the early months of pregnancy have babies that are at a lower risk of neurological birth defects. Good sources: dark leafy greens, orange juice, beans/lentils/legumes, and fortified grain products and cereals.

    Some studies suggest that women who eat diets low in saturated fats for one year prior to pregnancy have less of a chance of suffering from morning sickness.

    Get plenty of rest and try to reduce your stress level. Not that high stress or lack of sleep will prevent pregnancy, but you’ll feel better during the early weeks if you make an effort to take good care of yourself now.

    Good luck!
    – Chosen by Asker

  • All i can say is pelvic floor exercises are a must, do them whenever and wherever you can and it will help. Helps with the actual birth and also recovery.

  • Well you are already pregnant, correct?
    Yes pre natel vitamins, lot’s of fruits and veggies, small portions often help with the nausea and/or vomiting, things like salad, lots of water do help.
    and make sure that if you were not exercising before take it slow because you are not really supposed to start doing things you didn’t do before you were pregnant when you are expecting (ex. this lady i babysat for played hockey and continued during her pregnancy until 4 or 5 months or so with all 3) but then another lady I babysat for with her 1st baby wanted to start working out and the doctor advised her not to unless she had worked out regularly pre-pregnancy. So I would ask the doctor before doing ANY serious workouts, like walking or small less hardcore things are fine but not like huge exercises.
    good luck and congrats!

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