How to train your dog to 'come'?

So my dog is 7 months old and she doesn’t listen unless she is on her leash. And I really need her to listen inside the house. She knows how to sit and stay. But I’ve tried treats and putting her in her cage (not crate) Help?

P.S. I’ve been trying to train her to ‘come’ her whole life.


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  • Some people call by name, others whistle etc. Take whatever you want to to come to and use it all the time when you want her near. I used to whistle and call their name, I have a border collie. It took awhile for my pup to come right when I called, it’s a lot of try, try again. I can whistle now and he comes right away but he’s 9 years old now so…. he’s had a bit of time. Try clapping your hands etc and getting excited and call her name, it’ll take a lil while but eventually she’ll come flying right after.. Just pick what your command is and stick to it, she’ll get it soon enough!

    Source(s): life

  • In the event you take a deal with when ur canine is legit 2 ft away, then say come and do anything movement u are gonna do time and again while they stroll over and are consuming the treat. Maintain doing his, then in a couple of says, might be per week, a some random time , decide upon up a deal with with out your canine seeing it and say come and do the motion, but when she’s still no some distance away in any respect. Reward HER WHEN SHE COMES!!!!!! Its VERY predominant that she figures out that whenever you say come, she gets a treat. After like a month or so, see if she comes without a deal with. So clearly what i am announcing is begin from scratch on her- she’s a jack russel, proper? But yeah, so from scratch if she quite doesn’t get it, ship her to puppy institution… Even if she’s no longer a puppy.

  • 1) Tell her to sit, give her treat.

    2) Tell her stay, give her treat.

    3) Walk away three feet crouch and hold out treat well you tell her something like this, “Come, come here girl!”

    4) When she comes and takes the treat you tell her, “Good come, good come!” or “Good girl!”

    5) Repeat this for awhile until she gets use to it.

    6) When she under-stands start adding a foot or two onto the three feet that she is use to.

    7) If she goofs off then don’t cuss/yell at her two much. Try to stay positive.

    Source(s): Cat, Dog, Bird expert.

  • “her whole life”.

    Her whole life hasn’t even started a year ago. She is still a puppy.

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