I actually went home for lunch?

i only get a half hour break but today i decided to go home and eat which is 40 mins from my job(im actually at home now)anyway my job is now calling my phone nonstop and im not answering the phone im scared what should i do lool

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • You sound like a great employee! First you go home knowing it will take 40 minutes even though you know you only have 30 minutes for lunch. When work calls, you don’t respond! Sweet! Then you lie to cover yourself! Nice! It’s good you made up your mind not to come back to work even though it’s mandatory- it’s not like a company would need their employees to come back from lunch. Everyone knows work ends at 12:30! Oh and you didn’t have enough money for an expensive lunch? With your work ethic, get used to not having enough money for lots of things….
    – Chosen by Asker
  • answer the phone

  • Answer the phone if you are a responsible employee. Or ignore and find out you are fired when you show up for work next time.

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    Stimulate your mind .

  • You were right to answer the phone. But why did you go home in the first place when your house is 40 minutes from work and you only get a 30 minute lunch? And you should have gone back to work after lunch, even though you would have been late.

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