I have an excel spreadsheet that contains over a thousand clients. I want to extract data by Surname?

At present I extract data using the Client’s, unique, reference number. I enter the number in to a user form and the client’s data is displayed on the same user form. However, sometimes I am not given the client’s reference number and, so far, I can only pick up the first record with the search name I enter. e,g, if I have 7 client’s with the surname of Smith I will only pick up the first row, which in most cases will be incorrect. What I want to do is to add all the Smiths to a list box and then click on the record that I need. Once clicked on the data for that client will populate my user form.

I am not an accomplished VBA programmer and this is my first attempt. I do come from a programming background, but the only thing that I can compare my need to is a logical file in RPG programming. I would be grateful of any assistance.

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  • Know all the excel functions here :
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