I need to know 1 method on how to solve energy crisis?

There are a LOT of energy problems and i need to know how to fix those, cuz all i can think of is solar panel, solar panel, solar panel.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Drill for more of our own oil. Ease regulations on coal. Build more coal power plants. Build nuclear power plants. Build the Keystone pipeline. Use our food as food and quit wasting it in our gas tanks. It has caused food prices to shoot up.

    Quit subsidizing so-called green energy. Let it develop in the free market. With all of the billions the government has blown on it, it only accounts for about 3% of our energy output. It is not feasible at this time.

    Encourage car restoration. It is far cheaper to rebuild a car than to build a new one. If you have to buy a new car, leave the Prius, Chevy Volt and other battery powered cars alone. They are so much more destructive to the environment to produce than a regular car. Also, where does the electricity come from; coal power plants. They are just trading one type of fossil fuel for another.

    More thought, logic and education needs to be used by those interested in being green. Much of what is being promoted as being green is harder on the environment.
    – Chosen by Asker

  • Insulate,insulate,insulate

  • Reduce the population of the Earth.

  • Yes, it is Solar Panel. Go green and live green.


  • REDUCE: example – use insulation and more efficient devices. And turn off lights, heat, A/C when it’s not used.
    RECYCLE: example – it takes 90% less energy to reprocess an aluminum can than to get aluminum from ore
    REUSE: example – don’t keep buying stuff when it will serve. Some people buy new cars even though their old one is running fine. Some get an iPhone 5, even though their iPhone 4 does everything they need.

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