i still likee my ex boyfriend alot….how do you knoee if he still likess mee.?

well i still likee my ex-boyfriend…alot

i try to text him but he will reply once and not txt back???

how do i tell him how much i still likee him.??


✅ Answers

  • be straight up with him. guys LOVE confidence. just call him and ask him if he’d like to catch up. ask him out for a coffee or lunch, or whatever. when you guys are together… just tell him straight out: “i still have feelings for you, and i was wondering where you stand on that…” say nothing else, wait for him to respond, look confident, don’t fidget. practice in a mirror…

  • i have the same problem.

    dont rush, start being friendly with him, like friends… then see what happens, he might not feel the small then you will loose him altogether, atleast if you be friends, he will still be in your life, and he liked you once before chances are he will again.

  • i say, call him up and just ask him that way you would know for sure. He cannot read your mind and you cannot read his so only one way to find out.

  • you shouldnt because if it did not work out once it will most likely not work out again.

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