I want to be go green…where do i start?

I think its time i do something to save the planet and i want to help but i dont know where to start….


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  • This stuff is pretty easy to do:

    Recycle your plastic and glass containers/bottles.

    Try to buy stuff that doesn’t come with a lot of packaging, or re-use whatever packaging you can.

    Install compact fluorescent lightbulbs.

    Be conservative with your heat in the cold months– try adding layers of clothes before jacking up the thermostat.

    Don’t run the water while you’re brushing your teeth.

    Don’t flush stupid stuff like one tissue down the toilet– only flush when there’s actual waste in the toilet.

    Get yourself some re-usable bags to carry groceries in, and stop getting a plastic bag with every purchase you make. If you only have a few small things, you don’t need a plastic bag.

    Try eco-friendly or natural products to clean your home with, so you’re not sending so many chemicals down the drain.

    Sign up for paperless billing whenever possible, and re-use envelopes, junk mail, etc. for scrap paper around the house whenever possible.

    Unplug the stuff you don’t use very often. Electronics drain electricity just by being plugged in, whether they’re in use or not. Unplug the computer and cell phone chargers once the object is fully charged.

    There are so many more things you can do, but these are really simple and become a habit pretty quickly. I did it; so can you! =)


  • Well once upon a time i was a bored 5th grader one summer evening and i was flipping through channels and I stopped and saw a wrestling ring with Triple H beating someone up with a steel chair and there was blood…and being the freak that i was i frikken loved it!!!! Anyways i didn’t watch it on a regular basis but i caught onto some favorites like Chris Jericho and Triple H back in the day. I don’t remember how or when i stopped watching after a while and lost track of it, and then some years later when Smackdown switched to Friday nights, One Friday night my friends were all busy and i had nothing to do, so i turned on the TV and to my suprise Friday Night Smackdown was on. At first i thought it was stupid and didn’t see why anyone including myself watched it but then everytime I didnt hang out on Friday nights i watched and got into the storylines again as well as the action. Now i’m hooooked!

  • I would start off with little things . Maybe get a small $20 solar panel that would recharge small battery’s . Learn all you can about solar energy and go from there and decide whats best for you . I wouldn’t worry to much about it we are about to come out with an energy devise that’s going to change world so save your money for that . All this old energy tech is about to go out the door .Soon we will have all the clean reliable energy man will ever need . I would say within a year or so not sure the day but its hear and its cheap .

  • It usually starts in a single step. By just thinking that you want to go green, you made that step already. By being environmentally concern is enough already. You’ve been given a lot of ideas already from the people, who answered ahead of me, so just continue to step forward and in doing so, doing some of these advised, you’ll achieve your goal.

    “Plant a Tree” if you have the space for it, inside or outside.


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  • I wanted to go green as well and I found this great site that gives you 50 things plus tells you what the return on your investments is–so cool. The link is http://www.greenandsave.com/

    Hope this helps you like it did me.

  • You can start by using ethanol in your car, even if it’s not flex fuel or designed to run on it. All cars can safely run on 30% or less ethanol. If you have E85 in your area, pump 6 or 7 gallons of gasoline into your car and then 1 or 2 gallons of E85.

    Ethanol is way better for our environment and heres why:

    Cars running on ethanol, which is distilled from agricultural crops and biomass are governed by the same laws of physics as those using petrol in that both fuels emit CO2 as a consequence of combustion, however the crucial difference is that burning ethanol recycles CO2 because it has already been removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis during the natural growth of agricultural crops, such as corn plants. A corn plant removes CO2 from the atmosphere and uses it to grow and produce cornstarch. The plant is harvested and the cornstarch is fermented into ethanol. The ethanol is burned and the cycle repeats. NO NEW NET CARBON is added to the atmosphere when you use ethanol, unlike gasoline which spews tons of carbon into the atmosphere which has been trapped beneath the earth’s surface for millions of years in the form of crude oil. You can burn all the ethanol you want and you are not contributing one iota to global warming. You are simply recycling carbon. And creating demand for ethanol by using it in your car stimulates farmers to plant more corn to meet the demand. More corn means more CO2 is removed from the atmosphere because corn, like all plants, takes in CO2 and gives off oxygen via photosynthesis. So not only are you not adding any new carbon to the air when you use ethanol, you are stimulating the planting of more corn plants which naturally fight global warming via photosynthesis.

    In addition, using ethanol means no more devastating oil spills in the ocean which destroy all kinds of marine life and birds. And ethanol is now being produced via “green” means with ZERO fossil fuels used in the process. Read that again—ZERO FOSSIL FUELS ARE BEING USED TO MAKE ETHANOL. Ethanol plants are using wind energy and biomass exclusively for power because it saves them a heap on their natural gas bill. Below are 2 links to prove it:



    In additon, recycle, unplug electrical items you don’t use, and don’t have kids!

    Source(s): Have been using E85 in my non flex fuel cars for years with no problems.


  • The first thing to do is NOTHING! Do not interfere with nature, it is much older than you or I and knows how to take care of itself better than people think it can.

    The second thing to do is to realize that it takes more than doing one or two little things to save energy to make a real difference, it requires a change in lifestyle. You are best able to help the environment when you are purchasing something, not when you are throwing it away. Think about your needs versus your wants, if you won’t use it more than one or twice a year, rent it, don’t buy it. If you need it, pick the choice that is not “disposable”, i.e. don’t buy cheap plastic crap.

    If you must use a car, consider carpooling or “hypermiling”. Use the minimum amount of fuel PER SEAT to get the job done. Learn how to use the tools at your disposal the most efficient way possible.

    And last, learn as much as you can about how your actions help or harm the environment. People who bring non native species into an area (pet smuggling, ships dumping bilge water, etc) do great harm to the environment because of their complete ignorance of what could happen.

    Good luck in your endeavors. I hope you DO make a positive difference.

    Source(s): http://www.hypermiling.com/86

  • Basically, walk to shops, recycle, don’t leave things on standby, turn heating down, have a compost heap and install low energy light bulbs.


  • 1. Don’t have any children.

    2. Don’t fly in an airplane.

    3. Travel as little as possible.

    4. Live in a comfortable but small house.

    5. Encourage others to do the same.

    Reducing, reusing, and recycling just delay the inevitable unless the bigger issues are addressed…overpopulation and abusive use of energy.


  • you need 3 trashes.

    1 for plastics

    1 for cans

    1 for papers

    then recycle it…

    give your plants water.

    use hybrid cars (prevent global warming)

    Source(s): my geography textbook

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