In a fetus what develops first, the muscles or the bones?

im just curious, do muscles develop first and then the bones
or do bones develop first and then muscles around them

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  • Muscles and bones develop from related but independent cell lineages in your body, so it’s not really the case that one happens “first”. In your trunk, both the bones and the muscles develop from embryonic segments called “somites” which are divided up into either muscle (at the bottom), bone (in the middle) or the deep parts of your skin (at the top). The proto-bones develop into a soft collagen “proforma” (they only become hard much later on), while at the same time the muscles develop into little packets and start to form attachments to the bones. Interestingly, your limbs are slightly difference – They grow as little offshoots of your body, and the bones form from the cells which start off inside these “limb buds”. The muscle cells actually come from the somites, and have to migrate (sometimes quite a long way) to get to where they’re supposed to be.

    It’s also worth pointing out that the bones can actually be shaped by the muscles making connections with them, so while they sort of “form at the same time”, they also affect each other as they develop side by side.

  • very good question, I would love to hear the answer for this. from my studies thus far, i know that the embryo is at first a flesh (without bones).. and then bones started forming… however, that flesh that i am talking about is not equivalent to muscles.

  • Doesn’t work that way. It is all integrated and occurs at the same time.

    med student

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