Is a 9 yr. old too young to have a cell phone, even for emergencies?


If you think it is too young, at what age, if at all, do you think they are old enough?


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  • i would say yes but it depends on how often the child is away from you or out of your (or loved ones) supervision.

    Source(s): a mom’s opinion

  • The child is not to young for a pre-paid phone. You can get a phone with only 60 minutes prepaid on it, and give that to the child. The child cannot use it for friends because the time would run out. Check out Cingular Gophone. They start at $30, and you can completely control your child’s use by limiting the prepaid minutes. The phone simply won’t work once those are used.…

    Frankly, consider both possibilities: Worst case with the phone, your child acts irresponsibly, and discipline is in order. Worst case without the phone, well … let’s not go there. As a parent, I’m sure you can imagine the possibilities. I would always want my child to be able to contact me in an emergency.

  • I think I would be worried about my son losing his cell phone.

    I also don’t see a huge need, at nine I hope I still know where my son is at all times. I think the advantage a cell phone offers is that you can get in touch with someone no matter where they are, and without really having to know where they are. At nine, my son should be at school, at a friend’s house (and staying there) that I have met already and have the phone number for, or at a babysitter’s house, etc. If I do have an emergency where I need to contact my son, I think I would be more likely need to talk to the adult that is currently caring for him. For example, to let them know I had a flat tire and I am running late.

    Another issue for me would be that of etiquette. Many adults are rude with their cell phones. I had someone just yesterday call someone else while they were talking to me about their child (I am a child therapist). They had their headset on and started talking to this other person abruptly after calling them. If adults can do things like that, what can I expect a child to do?

    I think at about age 12, when I could expect them to be without adult supervision for certain periods of time, and where they would be more responsible with their posessions.

    If I were to consider it, I would probably consider the firefly phone. It is a cell phone designed for kids.

    Having said that, my wife disagrees. She thinks that it would depend more on how responsible the child is. She also would like to be able to get in touch with him any time she wants.


  • I would have to say “Yes”. As a mom of 5, I would ALWAYS know where they were and who they were with. They always had to call every 2 hours. Never went off without the “other parent” knowing that they were coming over. The best thing to do is go over certain “emergency” incidents with your child and help your child to know what – when – and how to do what will need to be done. They grow up too quick, don’t give the child that “push” to thinking that he/she is “grown”. GOOD LUCK 🙂

  • Not. However, you have to also teach your child not to abuse the privilege by showing it off other. I live in a country where people, specially young ones, are targetted for holdup or theft of cellphone, even get killed just for a cellphone. It has become a parent’s “leash” to check in with their children. however, if the unit gets stolen, it won’t serve the purpose. Better have a talk with your child about it. Also tell them about phone etiquette.

  • definately too young!

    at that age they should be supervised and not in need of a phone!

    maybe at 13 when they have somewhat more freedom.

  • no. I bought my 8 year old a phone. He DOES NOT carry it with him unless he will not be with me or my husband or family. It is a pre paid phone. He has only taken it out with him twice. I was able to call him and know where he was. It gives me piece of mind. (he is NEVER out without an adult, FYI)

    Source(s): life! :o)

  • definitely not…my daughter is 10 and i have her strapped with a cellphone. I think that a cellphone is great for EMERGENCIES. if im running late pikn her up FROM SHOOL I can call her and let her know or if she’s gettn pikd up from school other than myself or her daD SHE’LL definitely know.

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