Is it dangerous to use non-flamable pest bombs by insulation?

Here’s the deal, been a nightmare. Had a pregnant raccoon sneak in through small hole between roof and ceiling of our trailer. Soon after she had the babies. Pest control won’t do anything unless we catch her and since she has babies she won’t go near the cages, or food. Racoon eviction solution, along with multiple kinds of deterrents didn’t work either. She comes out different times of the night, so we’re not able to catch her. I’ve read their are pest and animal smoke bombs that are non-flamable. I’m hoping to smoke her and the babies out so we can close the hole up immediately after. If the mom at least gets out, the pest control/wild life people will then remove the babies, but only then. We’ve had them come out and they basically won’t do anything unless we remove her first. I’m really worried though, using pest bombs because they give off heat and since there is loads of insulation between the roof and ceiling, I’m afraid it will start a fire. We’ve tried everything else and nothing has worked. Any recommendations on what kind of safe pest/animal bomb to use?

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  • The rodent smoke bombs work by consuming the oxygen in their tunnels and really are not for use in a house. The bombs would not be as effective in an attic but it may chase them out giving you time to seal whatever crevice they used for entry into the house. The insulation is supposed to be fire proof, that’s why fiberglass is a common insulation cause glass doesn’t burn

    Raccoons have adapted well to living with Humans and really only see traffic as predators ( they do not cross busy streets ). They also forage within just a few city blocks so you would probably have to put bait around the block to get them to eat them.

    If you can get to the den, scoop up the young with a net ( the mom may attack if she’s around ). Once the kids are gone, the parent is less likely to stick around.

    If you know someone with a pet feret, you can let it run around, eat the young and chase out the mom.

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