Is it law that I must have my property inspected for property taxes?

I’ve owned my home for 6 years and I received a letter as well as a card dropped at my door from MPAC to contact them to have main structure details and renovation details inspected in my home. Does this mean that my property taxes will go up and am I required to have this done if I don’t want it done.


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? Favorite Answer

  • It sounds like a building renovation which requires a building safety inspection to make sure all safety codes were followed which has nothing to do with appraisals. Where I live a gas water heater replacement requires a safety inspection. What you want doesn’t matter. You don’t you get fined

    If the improvement adds significantly to the value of the property, like new rooms, it may cause taxes to go up. If it’s roof and siding repairs, probably not.

    Source(s): Former county worker

  • Your property taxes could go either way.

    In some states you have no legal basis to refuse the inspection. If you refuse the assessor can get a court order to force compliance. Ignoring the court order lands you in jail for contempt until you comply.

    In others you can, however if you do the tax assessor will base the valuation on assumptions that are probably not valid and will almost certainly result in higher taxes. Refusing the inspection can also impact your right of appeal so in the worst case your taxes could rise substantially and you would not have any right of appeal at all since you refused the inspection.

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