Is it okay for a 14 year old to get engaged?

I have a friend and her boyfriend has recently proposed to her. She’d like to say yes but she’s not sure if it’s legal. I’ve heard that it’s okay to be engaged under 16 but you can’t get married. What’s the truth? She needs to know. Her and her partner have been together 3 years and she loves him a lot.


well it wasn’t really my decision so don’t give me abuse. I just wanted to make sure she’s not doing anything illegal (we’ve already been there with her, had to get her a termination) but as much as i would like to talk her out of it, who am i to tell her how to run her life. We live in the UK btw.


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  • Hey I’m not too sure what the law would be where ever it is where you are but in the UK people under the age of 18 can get married but have to have parental consent

    If they are still unsure they should pop down to their local registry office- if they feel mature enough to be engaged then finding out the facts behind it shouldn’t be an issue

    (if they are too embarrassed to do that then its obvious that they should wait a while)

    as for any recommendations in this I would definitely say that they should wait until they are older before they actually get married- but I don’t see any problem with them being engaged for the moment- but better to make it a long engagement

    Your friend and her boyfriend would have to consider many things such as the practical things of finishing school to be able to get a decent job to then be able to get somewhere to live and everything else they would need to start a life together- then also there’s the cost of the wedding itself- it all adds up and they can’t/ shouldn’t expect parents to pick up all the bills for them

  • I am pretty sure you are not allowed to get married until you are 16 no matter what. I think your friend should reconsider getting engaged though. There was a time that engagement at 14 was normal and acceptable, but in our society it is neither normal nor likely to produce a favorable outcome. You are still kids growing into young adults and eventually adults and have so much growing and changing to do and you should enjoy life and all these changes before making such life altering decisions. Things to ask: Why does he want to get engaged, why does she, do their parents know, what do they say, where would they live if they got married, can they support a family, would they finish school, can you afford to be married, can you afford living arrangements, etc. Honestly I think it is a very very bad idea.

  • She Can Say Yes But Baring In Mind She’s Still Young, If She Says Yes It Will Make Things Hard For Her In The Future, Such As If She Decides She Dosen’t Want To Be With Him, Or If She Moves Away,And If She Meets Somebody Else It Will Become So Much More Harder To Break It Off. I Think You Should Make Her Aware Of These Factors Before She Decides.

  • For the most part you need to be 18 to get married WITHOUT parental consent. The age to marry WITH parental consent varies per state.

    Now, the important part, people still go through a lot of growing changes, even at 14; in body, mind, and spirit. A persons being isn’t really at such a stable point where getting married is a good idea; then again there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.

  • Talk about illegal! Your friend cant be worried about that as she is having unproteced sex!!!!!!!! So awful to have had to go through an abortion! I just think that is sad that a young girl has grown up too soon She should be learning from lots of different relaitionships not tying herself to one. There is nothing wrong with having a friend that is a boy but 14 is way to young to commit to anything! Promises at that age are hard to keep-thats what an engagement is-a promise to each other that you will be faithful and honest and share their life.- A huge commitment at that age. I’m not saying that she doesn’t love this guy, but believe me when I say that we as humans have the capacity to love a lot of people.

  • I don’t think there are any laws about engagement. Of course she will have to wait until she’s older to get married. I think it’s ridiculous to get engaged at 14, but if it’s not even legal for her to get married for a long time, I don’t see the big deal because either they’re going to break up before they’re married, or they’ll stick together, get married, and be fine. I would advise her to say no, but not worry too much if she says yes.

    Source(s): personal opinion.

  • Stupid idea. Imagine if everyone married the person they were dating when they were 14 years old.

    You can be engaged all you want at any age, because engagement is not any sort of legal relationship status. But it’s a stupid thing to do, because when the relationship doesn’t survive, it’s much harder to tell people you’re no longer engaged than no longer dating due to the stigma on that term. At 14 years old, she doesn’t have any idea what love or marriage is or means. She may have her own fantasy vision of what marriage is, but I can promise you it’s false.

  • You can be engaged at any age but she will have to wait until she is of legal age over 16 with parents consent before she can get married

  • It is legal but she is very young to be engaged.

    Chances are that the relationship will end before they are old enough to get married.

    In case you are wondering in the UK you can get married legally at 16. ( in England, Wales and N Ireland you need parental written consent if you are under 18) but in Scotland you can get married at 16 without consent – hence why Gretna Green is so popular!!

  • Wow she been with the guy since age 11, that’s pretty young to be dating. An engagement at 14 is not legal, as neither one are of legal age of consent, and they can’t get married either, so what’s the point? Your friend needs to concentrate on getting an education first, their is plenty of time to get serious with boys.

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