is it true that most of people dont believe that quran is true?

quran:6:116: And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah . They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying.


see how the verse is true?

Update 2:

m shrestha,but this is not a fairy tale


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  • Yes, Coz christians and jews don’t believe in quran. And quran says:

    “those are the verses of the book. that which is sent down to you (prophet muhammad) from your lord is the truth, but most people will not believe”13:1

  • So because most people don’t believe in Allah that makes them wrong? That’s the sort of thinking that makes you Muslim.

    The truth part is that most people could be wrong it doesn’t mean the majority are always wrong.

    There is an obvious problem with the Quran, it claims to agree with the previous scriptures but doesn’t. It disagrees with the God that it claims to be from.

    The prophet who received this revelation could not be a prophet,

  • Yes, more people disbelieve in your version of god than believe in it. It is hardly surprising that the Quran got this right as that was the case when it was written.

  • ”True” is subjective to all people. A book of such an age is most likely unable to state any facts which are accurate. Besides, islam was created for a primitive peoples hence the age it appeared in the middle east.

  • Allah, Prophet Mohammed and Quran are the biggest lies that humanity has ever seen. Humanity will not see other bigger lies than these. It has created a lot of unrest and is trying to destroy the world. Quit them and be scientific.

  • And the Bible is True because it says so.

    What about the Epiminides paradox? Epiminides was a Cretan who wrote ‘All Cretans are liars’.


  • MOST people understand that ALL religious texts are untrue.

    80% of the people on the planet understand that the quran is not true.

    67% of the people on the planet understand that the bible is not true.

    Yet, 98% of people understand that science is true.


  • I second to Supa Star. Every person of an opposing religion/belief system accuses and largely knows, that so called “holy texts” and so called “holy books” are untrue or outright lies.

  • The religions were the need of the time when they were founded. The religions should evolve with the present time. We should study present science, instead of reading mythological stories.

  • You asked this again?


    No, Allah is not real

    Ah Islam bringing Christians and Atheists together

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