Its the new year and my mom wants to tell depressing stories?

I’ve been very anxious, hopeful, excited about 2010. It’s here and I feel like I’m in a very positive state of mind. I called my Mom to share the wealth and she decides to inform me that this guy we had both met ONE time before, died yesterday. Yes, I understand that it’s sad, but this is the new year. I want happy stories, not depressing ones. Honestly, I could give a f*** if someone I didn’t even know died. My mom has gotten into this habit of just telling all these depressing death stories about people she doesn’t even know. It brings me down and I should be up because of the promises this year should bring me. How do I go about telling my mom to knock it off?


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  • Why not ask her politely why she feels so moved by a near-stranger’s demise? (It’s not like death is an unusual end to life – we’re all going there!)

    It sounds like she’s trying to work something out. In the meantime, there’s no reason it should bring you down. Just say you’re sorry to hear about it, and then continue with a more positive conversation. Because SHE has a need to perhaps feel bad about something is no command for you to feel the same way. Make your choice to enjoy your life however long it is.

    Go on about your life. Be happy to be alive. Appreciate beauty in simple things.

    And – Happy New Year!

  • If she does it again, mention it casually that you just don’t want to know. If it gets any worse tell her that you don’t want to be depressed by these stories. I know this sounds weird but keep it light and jokey so that she can see you don’t really mean to be mean. Of course if it does get EVEN worse, tell a member of family to tell your mum to knock it off.

    Source(s): My head.

  • Tell your mom to stop living in the past its a new year and she can start looking for greater things in the future.

  • Just tell her straight up. She will understand.

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