Marching Band stresses me out bad.?

I’m in pit. I play well, and decent. I love band beyond so much, I’ve been stoked for it. I have only a couple more weeks to decide whether to be in band or not. It’s not really that music that stresses me, because I get the rhythms and notes right. It’s just, the people in marching band. My sectional leader is just beyond so awkward. We usually practice outside, and it get super hot, and I get a terrible headache. I love band, but i really do dislike the people IN band.


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  • I say, if you love it, keep with it. You shouldn’t let people keep you from doing what you love. Unfortunately, there are people like that in every band. I don’t love everyone in my band but I’ve got my friends and at the end of the day, we are all a family. Try finding some friends you could hang out with. Having a group of friends to talk to makes band that much better. As for the heat, we have band camp in the middle of July in + degree weather so I know how you feel. All I can say to that is try to prepare for it as much as possible. Work through the heat knowing how awesome the product of your hard work will be.
  • I was just talking tonight about how being in the band in high school made it so much easier for me. We were all working toward the same goals, and there was none of the pettiness or back stabbing that seems to happen a lot. This was in Florida, and we marched in parades in the heat, in wool uniforms. I don’t remember it bothering me very much as a teenager. It’s great to be part of a group- good insulation against the drama of adolescence.

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