Me and my baby mother broke up and she has been very careless about our son..our boy has been with me and my?

parents while she was out clubbing doing what she does.. and sometimes not seeing her son for over two weeks when she just lives about a mile or two away from i want to take legal action and get his full custudy.. Is it possible what do i need,what steps do i take ..anything information would be greatfully appriciated..btw i live in california. and our son is almost two years of age.


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  • You’ll need to document when she sees him (dates, length of visit), if he’s ever hurt when she’s supposed to be watching him (take pictures of injuries), if he’s ever left alone when she has him, if she leaves drinks lying around that he could drink (they could kill him). If you refuse to let her see him, that could work against you. I would get a lawyer ‘s advice before I let her know what was going on.

    It’s pretty hard to get her rights terminated. You have to prove her unfit, usually over a period of time.

    If she’s a spiteful person, she will become the most devoted parent and fight you for full custody just to hurt you.

    As it is, she comes and goes and you get him most of the time already. It’s her loss.

    I wish you well.

  • Get a lawyer she is definately an unfit mother and he belongs with you what kind of mother doesn’t see her baby for 2 weeks!

  • Get to a family law lawyer they can help, it sounds like you should be able to get full custody . Good luck.

  • -get a good lawyer, very good lawyer

    -then you’ll need proof that she isn’t tending to him properly

    -be VERY careful of what you say and do, even texts, and make copies of all visitation times and conversations regarding the matter and get pictures of any text messages that would relate

  • very simple: GET A LAWYER who specializes in this. Nobody from Yahoo!

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    can give you any better advice than that!

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