MS Access – Time Difference Calculation and Entry?

In Microsoft Access, I have two text boxes; t_on and t_off. Both contain a ‘short time’ in the format ‘HH:MM:SS’.

I also have another text box; Total_Hours

My question is, how do I get the Total_Hours text box to display how many hours have elapsed between the t_on and t_off values, to the nearest 15 mins? This needs to be returned in decimal format, eg. 7.25, 7.5, 7.75, 8.

Can anyone help?? It should save people making mistakes! Thanks 🙂



Thanks, but can anyone help me with how I integrate this into VB? I have only used VB in Excel, and this seems a little different..!

Update 2:

iLC – Thanks, I have the module created.

What I don’t understand is how to call this sub on the After_Update of the t_on or t_off text boxes for each record entry?



✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • Hope this can help :

    Dim minutes=DateDiff(“n”, t_on, t_off) ;//DIFF IN MINUTES

    Dim hours=minutes60 ;//HOURS

    Dim fraction=(((minutes MOD hours)15)+1)/4;//FRACTIONS 0,25 0,5 0,75 1

    Dim Total_Hours=hours+fraction; //for example 7+0.25

    I dont remember whell Microsoft Access but the code above is in Visual Basic so I think it can be usefull


  • create an MS Access module and paste the following code snippets:

    Option Compare Database

    Option Explicit

    Sub Diff(t_on, t_off)

    Dim minutes: minutes = DateDiff(“n”, t_on, t_off) ‘DIFF IN MINUTES

    Dim hours: hours = minutes 60 ‘HOURS

    Dim fraction: fraction = Int((minutes Mod 60) / 15 + 0.5) / 4 ‘FRACTIONS to NEAREST 0.25

    Dim Total_Hours: Total_Hours = hours + fraction ‘for example 7+0.25

    Debug.Print Total_Hours

    End Sub

    In your immediate window you can test the function as:

    Call Diff(#12:30#,#14:40#)

    Ans: 2.25

    Call Diff(#12:30#,#14:#)

    Ans: 1.5

    Call Diff(#12:30#,#13:50#)

    Ans: 1.25



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