My clasmates seem to have disowned me ?!?!?

My classmates suddenly seem to have taken a disliking towards me. Nobody would reply to my texts or answer my calls, they even stopped liking my photos on FB!! Swear to God , ths kind of behaviour is shocking and I am pretty confused why they would do that. I might have lost my temper now and then but I haven’t done any ‘criminal acts’ that deserve such kind of isolation.Its so hard because only 1 or 2 people talk to me in class even then they play a double game, like they speak well to me and go bite my back! Its horrifying. the reson i’m so concerned is because I have yet another 2 years to complete with them and there are bound to be group projects . Even this semesters group project I felt a lot left out , like people were deliberately leaving me out from any activity in the group. NOBODY EVEN MAKES PROPER EYE CONTACT with me. When I try and speak to them they simply turn and leave me standing there staring at into blank space. How can I get along with such people ? I have to spend another 2 years with them and I’m sure i’ll break under the stress and depression if this continues for long .

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  • Offer them Cookies or Cupcakes. they can’t all say no to sweets… Make every effect to be friendly to them. this way one of them would be willing to do group projects with you. Need to forget and forgive otherwise same thing is going to keep happening with your classmates

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