My mom just told me it’s not safe to heat up liquid in microwave?

is it true? eg milk /porridge

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? Best Answer

  • If it’s a thick, gloopy liquid (like porridge), then there might be “hot spots” in the liquid, because convection doesn’t work quickly enough to dissipate the heat evenly.
    This happens in microwaves because they set-up a standing-wave, which will heat particular regions of the substance more than others (the rotating platform helps reduce this by moving the substance, but doesn’t prevent it totally).

    So for liquids like those, you should stir them periodically throughout the heating-up, and afterwards.

    Otherwise it’s perfectly safe.
    – Chosen by Asker

  • Ask her why. Maybe she has a reason. Millions do it all the time.

  • No, that’s not true. The microwave works by exciting the water molecules in whatever you’re cooking; if there’s no water it’s not going to work. But put a cover over it so if it boils it doesn’t go everywhere.

  • There’s a very slight chance that liquids can become superheated in a microwave, but it’s still safe. Just don’t drink directly from the container as soon as you take it out and to be on the safe side, stir it with a non-metal utensil (like a wooden ice cream stick, for example).


  • Put a plate on top to catch vapor spurting. Otherwise, absolutely no problem.

  • no its not
    she might have her own reason
    but my mom will heat up a bowl of water to soften the stuff that gets in the microwave

    my mama

  • Well mommas wrong again!

    The only reason I can see it being dangerous is having it overheat and exploding in the microwave and then causing the microwave to start on fire or something, but that seems very unlikely.

  • No its not true, the microwave works only by accelerating the water molecules, all ready the temperature is set on it, so it can boiler to a level only. so its safe

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