My son hasn't hit pueberty and he's 13 should be worried?


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  • puberty tends to come around a bit later for boys, and is fairly unpredictable as to when it’ll occur. i’ve known boys who’ve hit puberty while in middle school. some didn’t go through it until high school. and still others didn’t go through it until after high school.

    for instance, my oldest son has gone through most of puberty when he was about 12 (during middle school). where as my youngest son, he’ll be turning 12 in a few months, seems to be far far away from the beginnings of puberty.

  • I didnt hit puberty until 15 or 16. It’s fine.

  • I notice many of my students hit around 13-14. I don’t think its uncommon. I wouldn’t worry unless he hits 15, then maybe see a doc.

    Source(s): I teach 8th grade

  • Nope. Boys hit puberty later than girls, mostly. So it can take longer than 13.

  • Some even take 15 to reach puberty, nothing to worry!

  • No, there’s nothing you can do about it if you wanted to worry. A boys time will come, every boys’. He’s probably just a late bloomer.

    Source(s): Health Class

  • Nope not at all as there is still plenty of time for this to take place.

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