My toilet is clogged. How do I unclog?

My toilet is clogged. I poured lots of hot water for minutes and is still clogged. How can I get rid of it?

✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • Go to a home store like Home Depot and buy what’s called a toilet snake. it’s cheap and works way better then anything else trust me my toilet was clogged for about days and I tried everything then I got a toilet snake and it worked. The toilet snake may not work on the first try but will eventually work by the nd or rd time depending on how bad it’s clogged.

    Source(s): Personal experience

  • Pour white vinegar in a cup measuring cup, one of the glass Pyrex ones.

    Pour cup into the toilet with the clog & flush.

    After toilet refills, pour in last cup & flush again.

    Source(s): I use this method for clogs all the time

  • Get a plunger a good one and plunge real hard and use a little less paper if you have a low flow toilet buy a new one if it is the old low flow types real low to the floor a plunger run about to dollars

    Source(s): Handyman and personal experience

  • As John stated, use a toilet snake, also called a toilet auger or closet auger. Here’s pictures of them: /search/images?_adv_…

    Don’t get the one that has a drum and a pistol grip, get the one with a curved end (although it’s nice to have both). It may take a little practice as you need to get the curved part as far into the toilet as you can. And if you can get the higher priced one, as they are much easier to use. I feel every home should have one, it’s a lot cheaper than a plumber.

  • Plunger

  • Use a plunger, if this does not work-you need what is called a plumbers snake to use to unclog it.

  • Plunger!

  • Haven’t you ever heard of a plunger? What country are you in?

  • extremely tough step. research from search engines like google. this will help!

  • Well, looks like it’s time to call the plumber!

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