No one believes in the Greek mythology-religion, so what did this false religion provide to its believers?

What I mean to say is that, we can all agree that their religion was false, since almost no one believes in the Greek mythology-religion anymore. My question is, do you pity them for wasting their time or do you think their false adherence benefitted them in some way?


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  • The fact that the Greeks didn’t believe in any sort of heaven (although they did have an idea of ‘hell’) says to me that, unlike Christians who want their bs to be true for personal reward, the Greeks really thought their ideas simply made sense.

    I don’t pity them. The fact that they thought they were going to ‘hell’ no matter what meant that they strived to make a name for themselves while still alive; they valued knowledge, bravery, freedom and heroism above all else as it was the only way they could even hope of enduring ‘hell’ – knowing that they would be celebrated by the living; that they had done something worthwhile for their fellow man.

  • Yes we do exist. 🙂 Educate yourself.

    Our gods are just as “real” as anyone else’s. 🙂 There is no “proof” for any deity; all religious people have only their own personal experiences and intuition to go on, neither of which are “proof” of anything to anyone but themselves. And people of all different religions have very similar spiritual experiences; if some aren’t “real” then none of the others can be. Either they all exist or none do, because people use the same justifications for believing in all of them. All religions have some benefit to their followers, or they wouldn’t have any.

    And by the way, we do not take the myths of our religion literally, but see them as symbolic stories meant to teach spiritual concepts. Thus Mount Olympus is not the literal mountain in Greece, Zeus is not a serial rapist, and Hera is not a bitter shrew. The gods are seen differently in the religion than in the myths. Myths often use exaggerations and such to make a point.

    For some info on the modern practice of the religion of ancient Greece:

    Source(s): Hellenic Polytheist

  • we don’t all agree that it is a false religion. i have personally made successful appeals to greek gods, so i have had very real benefit from it. it is also a very powerful component of western culture and has been for over three thousand years, so it has never fallen out of practice.

    moreover, there are thousands of people in america alone that consider themselves adherents to the olympians.

    your ignorance and condescending attitude don’t make anything false.

  • just because few people believe in ancient greek religion doesn’t mean it is not real. maybe if people had not been forced to accept new religions this religion would be very popular today. prove your religion is not a waste of time. i feel sorry for you since you seem to be very small minded

  • Well, no we can’t. I know many people who believe in the Greek Pantheon.

    But, they gained what everyone gained from their religion.

    Knowledge that someone was looking out for them, what made the universe, and what comes after (and especially what happens to those evil people).

    Even if it isn’t the truth, they believed it was the truth, and therefore, gathered the same benefits from it Christians, Muslims, Buddists, etc, do today.

  • Greek mythology as well as other sources of myths and fables are of great value today. Yes, they are “false” in the sense that they are fictional stories, but they are “true” in the lessons that they intended to teach. Research the great professor of mythology, Joseph Campbell. He has written a number of books that explain the great life concepts that were taught by various myths that are still applicable. He also reviews native American stories and the various myths taught in sacred texts of present day religions. Once you understand the value of these myths you will understand the deeper lessons learned even through present day novels.

  • So a religion is false if no one believes?


  • try telling them their religion is false

    matter of fact:

    i find greek mythology to be much more entertaining then christianity


  • False religion? I can ask the same of Christianity my dear.


  • answer: And, like your avatar picture, you would be in error.

    There are Greek pagans even in this modern age. There is as much evidence of their religion and deities than any other, Christianity included.

    Try again.


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