purplely dots keep appearing on my bedsheets/pillows..are they bed bugs?

my b/friend says they are but they are not harmfull..the matress isnt that old-as in maybe yrs (is that old).the stains only appear on bed sheets and pillow case but not the actual mattress..its freakin me out? any ideas?suggestions on what to do?

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  • I am the owner of a pest control company.

    Look under boxspring look for bugs. Adult bed bugs are very easy to see. Look under couch too.

    If you find bugs on any of the furniture purchase covers asap.

    Mattress covers are available in most retail stores that sell beds.

    Couch covers can be purchased at TheSofaSafe.com ..

  • It depends. Are you noticing several small red, itchy bumps surrounded by a red area on your legs and torso? If not, I don’t believe they are bed bugs. There are photos of these bites here: http://bedbugger.com/bed-bug-bites-photos/

    Hope this helps. BTW, you really ought to call an exterminator familiar with bed bugs just to be certain.

    Source(s): http://bedbugger.com/bed-bug-bites-photos/

  • It is your washing powder – not being rinsed out properly, try given your laundry two extra rinses.

  • do you have pets? if so it could be flea eggs or blood dots from flea bites.

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