Quran says muhammad was Allah messenger to all ppl so what ever is your belief IT IS FAKE?

And We did not send you except to all of mankind [both] as a bearer of good tidings and a warner, but most people do not know.

And they say, ‘When shall this promise be [fulfilled], if you are being truthful?’

[34:30] Say: ‘Yours is the tryst of a Day which you can neither defer nor advance by a single hour’.

And those who disbelieve say, ‘We will not believe in this Qur’ān, nor in that which was [revealed] before it’. But if you were to see when the evildoers are brought to stand before their Lord, bandying arguments against one another. Those who were oppressed will say to those who were arrogant: ‘Had it not been for you, we would have been believers’.

Those who were arrogant will say to those who were oppressed, ‘Was it us who barred you from guidance after it had come to you? Rather you were guilty’.

And those who were oppressed will say to those who were arrogant, ‘Nay, but [it was your] scheming night and day, when you used to command us to disbelieve in God and set up partners with Him’. And they will conceal their remorse when they see the chastisement, and We will place fetters around the necks of the disbelievers. Shall they be requited except for what they used to do?

And We did not send a warner to any town without its affluent ones, saying, ‘Indeed we disbelieve in that [Message] with which you have been sent’.

And they say, ‘We possess more wealth and children, and we shall not be chastised’.

Say: ‘Truly my Lord extends provision for whomever He will and restricts [it], but most people do not know’.

Nor is it your wealth or your children that will bring you near to Us in closeness, except for those who believe and act righteously: those, they shall have a twofold reward for what they did, and they shall be in the lofty abodes, secure.

And those who strive against Our signs, supposing [Us] to be inomnipotent, those, they will be arraigned into the chastisement.

Say: ‘My Lord extends provision for whomever He will of His servants, and restricts [it] for him, and whatever thing you may expend, He will replace it. And He is the best of providers’.

And on the Day when He will gather them all together, He will say to the angels, ‘Was it these who used to worship you?’

They will say, ‘Glory be to You, You are our Supporter, not they. Nay, rather, they used to worship the jinn; most of them were believers in them’.

‘So today none among you has any power over another, either to benefit or to hurt’. And We shall say to those who did wrong: ‘Taste the chastisement of the Fire which you used to deny!’

And when Our signs are recited to them, [being] clear signs, they say, ‘This is just a man who desires to bar you from [worshipping] what your fathers used to worship’. And they say, ‘This is nothing but a calumny that has been invented. And those who disbelieve say to the truth when it comes to them, ‘This is nothing but plain sorcery’.

And We did not give them any scriptures for them to study, nor did We send them any warner before you.

And those who were before them [also] denied, and they have not received [even] a tenth of what We gave those [others]. Yet they denied My messengers, so how was My abhorrence!

Say: ‘I will give you just one [piece of] admonition: that you rise up for God in twos and individually, and then reflect: there is no madness in your companion. He is just a warner to you before [the befalling of] a severe chastisement’.

Say: ‘I have not asked you any reward, since it is for [the benefit of] you. Indeed my reward lies only with God, and He is Witness over all things’.

Say: ‘Indeed my Lord hurls the truth. [He is] the Knower of the Unseen’.

Say: ‘The truth has come. And falsehood neither originates nor restores [anything]’.

Say: ‘If I go astray, I will be going astray only to my own loss, and if I am rightly guided, it will have been by what my Lord reveals to me. Truly He is Hearer. Nigh’.

If you could but see when they are stricken with terror, and so there is no escape, and they are seized from a close quarter.

And they will say, ‘We believe in him [now]’. But how can they attain [it] from a place that is far away,

when they disbelieved in it before? And they throw guesses at the Unseen from a far-off place.

And a barrier is set between them and what they crave, just as was done with their counterparts formerly. Indeed they used to be in grave doubt.
Open Question

  • tl; dr

    Could you perhaps summarize?

  • No what ever they teach yall is fake because right now I don’t think that your religion is doing so well in the public eye



  • If muslims are so religious, why do they kill people and kill themselves during suicide attacks?

  • Oh, so a book says it’s real so we just have to accept it without question? Here are some facts about Muhammad:

    When he first came out of his cave the people of Mecca wouldn’t listen to him. Eventually they got tired of him trying to force his beliefs so they ran him out of town. He went to Medinna where he found a guy with money and power to back him up. Gaining many followers (money does that for people) he attacked Mecca and won the battle. During Muhammad’s lifetime he raided over 1 villages and caravans, murdering the men and taking the women as slaves. Later in life he married his last wife, Aisha, when she was six years old. He consummated the marriage when she was nine.

    If some man came out of a cave today claiming he had the word of god he would be laughed at and institutionalized.

  • Islam is the true religion. There’s answers for all those who question Islam. It is the only religion where the entire book from a – z can be memorized. Even if one wanted to change it, it’s not possible. Millions of people have come to memorize it from day one.

  • It actually means that Muhammad peace be upon him is the messenger of allah to all people no matter what your skin tone is, your language , your tribe is , etc.
    It also means that Islam is only right belief.

  • Mohamed indeed was the last of the Messengers sent by God to humanity during this Adamic Cycle of prophecy. That’s why He is called the “Seal of the Prophets”. The next Messenger from God will initiate the Age of Fulfillment in which He will make it clear what the purpose of religion has been, why there have been so many Messengers and Prophets in our past, and what are the needs for humanity at this time. Such a Messenger will have a revelation that will attract peoples from all over the world and from all previous religions.

  • Yes, the Koran is fake. Any religion that claims to speak for a deity who is perfectly capable of speaking for himself to each and all is fake .. especially religions which actually debase and insult God by dressing him up in a mix of divinity and very human faults.

  • As salaamu ‘alaikym warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

    Undoubtedly, the Prophet Muhammad, salaahu ‘alaihi wa salaam, was a being who had experienced a personal awakening to the reality of the God which he attempted to convey to his society and culture in a manner in and by which they might understand the same.

    He was the last (at that time) of the prophets in the line of prophets in the Abrahamic tradition however…

    the message he delivered has been used to exclude many, to create division, disunity, disharmony among the peoples of the world and even among those who claim to be his followers.

    Historically, like the Jews and the Christians who preceded the Muslims, the message has lead to the death of an untold number of human beings, forced conversions, persecutions and other similar acts of violence that can never be condoned and should not be glossed over nor forgotten.

    Unfortunately, the current practice of Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, is a horrid distortion of what it historically appears Muhammad may have been trying to convey and live. The ideals of a just and caring society that seeks the welfare of all persons disappeared within three generation of the Prophet’s demise to be replaced by petty tyrants and repressive regimes which were unable to deal successfully with the scientific and economic advances that many other parts of the world experienced.

    Sadly, the religion of peace has all too often become just another expression of hate, filled with oppressive behaviors and customs so as to become outdated and unacceptable.


  • Hi,
    I would never serve a god that expects his followers to murder innocent people, and that’s exactly what your religion has taught and done for as long as it has existed. Satan has all of you wrapped around his little finger, but you are to blind to see that. You also ignor what Abraham has tried to teach you by the life he lived. You’d do yourself a lot of good if you stopped all the hatred you like to spread. And what’s up with you killing your own kind. That’s just demonic, but I’m sure you can justify that somehow too. After all Satan is an angel of light. Willing to kill innocent people is part of his game, and Islam is his top player. But not for much longer. Ismhal’s mother was warned, so what’s your excuse? And don’t say it’s God’s will. He condems murder.

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