She attempted suicide a few days after we broke up?

I know i posted this yesterday but i didn’t really get answers i wanted because i didn’t really go into detail much.

my girlfriend and i broke up because of many problems we were having, the past few months were constant issues.. and there was terrible fights. yes, between her and i, she said she would accuse me of rape… but i knew she wouldn’t. my dad somehow found out about it and forbid us from seeing each other. i know she was devestated and she kept telling me she felt depressed and that she felt like there was no way out, but i thought it was her just trying to get pity so i ignored it. i feel terrible that she is still in the hospital because she OD’d on anti-depressants. she was my world. i still love her more then anything but i don’t know what to do.. we can’t be together and i don’t want to be.. and sometimes i feel like i don’t even want to be friends.. but i know i broke her heart, and i know i’m the reason she’s lying in the hospital now. i truely broke her heart. what should i do?


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  • i dont agree with the other responses saying you should leave her alone – obviously that also depends on whether you have the motivation and energy to try help her out of this. It seems like you are really important to your gf – to an actually unhealthy level. It seems there is not much more to her life and you were the only source of emotional fulfilment – which is not good for either of you. If its possible for you, let her know that you are there for her unconditionally till she is able to deal with her issues but that you cannot continue this relationship despite how much it may hurt her – remember you are doing this for her and it will be tough. You also need to tell her that you wont be able to offer her this support if she tries something like this again. Let her know that she needs to grow and be complete as an individual and build other sources of interest and support around her (like work, friends, interests) before she is ready to commit to a relationship. All this is likely happening to her because she has some emotional void / is emotionally weak but that isnt yours of her fault. She needs to take responsibility for her life and get a grip over it – she needs to find her inner strength as this level of dependency is only going to harm her. This is going to be a long process but she needs to be clear of what her goal is. I will be happy to chat with her / you if you wish (I have been through something similar but my guy loved me enough not to give up on me and we are so happy together today and I feel completely normal now). It can be very difficult to you and everyone in their sane mind will tell you to stay away but you have to decide whether what you had is worth giving up or not – but you shouldnt feel guilty if you decide to stay away since I know its not fair on you now and its really very tough. All the best to you and your gf!

    Source(s): Personal experience

  • You are not the reason she’s in the hospital. She was already depressed. You can’t save her, she needs professional help.

    She is dangerous for you, because she could accuse you of rape and put you in jail. You say you ‘know’ she wouldn’t do that, but presumably you didn’t ‘know’ she would overdose on her meds. So you can’t be sure what she’ll do. Stay away from her.

    It sounds like you are both addicted to drama. That’s a bad combination. If you can’t stay away, please see a therapist to work out why you think loving her is a good idea.

  • You can’t be captain save a ho (sorry to all the women ) If this is something she did then walk away if you go back you will only be fighting a losing battle and it will get worse. Even with Professional help this will become a toxic relationship and I know guilt is the mother of all emotions but it will be better for everyone if you are out of the relationship.

  • you’re no longer the reason she’s interior the scientific institution. She replaced into already depressed. you won’t be able to shop her, she desires expert help. She is risky for you, with the aid of fact she would desire to accuse you of rape and positioned you in penal complex. you’re saying you ‘understand’ she does no longer try this, yet probably you probably did no longer ‘understand’ she could overdose on her meds. so which you won’t be able to be particular what she’ll do. stay remote from her. It sounds such as you’re the two addicted to drama. that’s a undesirable mixture. in case you won’t be able to stay away, please see a therapist to artwork out why you think of loving her is a competent concept.

  • you have a good heart you can’t make someone commit suicide she only did it because if she did die or not you would know and want to get back with her don’t worry just be a friend and tell her that’s the best you can do you two went in separate directions I hope it works out for you.

  • Hey, it’s NOT your fault she couldn’t handle the pain of breaking up. It’s something that happens in life and she needs to get some professional help before she does something incredibly stupid. If you are concerned about her that much then help her realize there is more to life than a relationship.

  • Well, honestly, there isn’t anything that you can do. What’s done is done. If she’s in the hospital, it’s because she attempted to hurt herself. You have to honestly give her space because if your near her during this time, it will just make her worst. She needs time to be without you. You can’t hurt her and then turn around and try to heal her. She has to do this by herself, if not by herself, she needs to get through this without you. I hope I helped.

  • Read “Ten stupid things men do to mess up their lives”. You need to stay away from her. She is toxic. You can’t fix her and you should not try. NOT your responsibility! She will now get the help she needs. I hope she is receptive to it. But you cannot fix her.

  • Leave her alone. Don’t contact her, and don’t respond to her calls or messages. That’s really the best thing you can do for her. Avoid her at all costs. It’s for her own good, and yours… for now.

    Source(s): Still getting over being left by my wife of 10 years.

  • Dude, she’s a total wack-job…….dont worry about it…..I’m sure it’ll work it self out.

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