Should all forms of Intelligent Design be taught in public schools?

Since Christians insist that to be fair their version of ID should be taught in school, shouldn’t all versions of ID be taught? The Hindu version, the Buddhist version, the Scientology version, etc. If they want theirs taught because they say it is fair then to be fair all versions should be taught. Agree?

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? Best Answer

  • Disagree. I’m Christian and I don’t insist that ID be taught in school. I believe only known facts should be taught, regardless of what they are. If a student has a question that is not covered by the facts, that could either lead to a discussion regarding different ideas (depending on the age of the students) or else a blanket statement of “some people believe in intelligent design and you should follow up that study on your own,” or something similar. You can’t teach every philosophy of creation unless it is a philosophy class. So stick to the facts.
    – Chosen by Asker
  • I think they should be taught…as part of a philosophy class.

    If you were going to be fair about it, then for every religious belief from one religion you teach, you must teach *all* the alternatives. However, you can’t force people to learn about religion in this way, mostly because it wouldn’t fit anywhere in the normal school curriculum with regards to time. Also, there would be a huge issue with “failing” anyone in a religion-related class.

    Make an elective for world religions or something like that, and teach about it there. The people who are interested can take it, as can the people who insist that there be Intelligent Design taught in schools, and everyone else can choose another elective.

  • The best would be the scientist version of creation, that will prove the existence of a Creator. Another of the eight scientists, Dr. William Swann, a noted authority on cosmic radiation, expressed himself in a like manner: “The man of science likes to separate fact from speculation. Now viewing the universe as a whole, I cannot escape the fact that it is of intelligent design. By this I mean that the universe shows on a magnificent scale the same kind of interrelationship of its working and efficiency of planning as an engineer strives to achieve in his smaller undertakings.”
    Similarly, scientist Dr. Warren Weaver, one of America’s foremost mathematicians, once stated in a popular monthly magazine: “Every new discovery of science is a further revelation of the order that God has built into His universe. God gains in dignity and power through manifestations of His reason and order.”
    Then there is also the testimony of Sir Isaac Newton, who has been termed “the greatest scientific mind the world has ever seen.” To quote a recently published biography, “Newton’s scrutiny of nature was directed almost exclusively to the knowledge of God” and “science was pursued for what it could teach men about God.” All such testimony, which could be multiplied a thousand times over, is in keeping with the inspired words of the apostle Paul that God’s “invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world‘s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they [who deny God’s existence, by word or action] are inexcusable.”—Rom. 1:20.

    Can Science Help You to Find God? :…

  • No matter what the minority claims this nation was founded as a nation under God. It is in the Constitution and the constitution of the sates you can find God as part of their foundation. The religious freedom that is given by the founders was not for any religion but it was given as a freedom to the people so the Catholic Church nor any king or queen could not persecute them for their beliefs. You could decide to be a Quaker, Methodist, and Lutheran etc. It has and has nothing to do with Buddhist or Muslim etc. This is a Christian nation, or I should say it use to be.

    Evolution is a state ran religion that removes God and the Christian life out of this nation. This state ran religion denies God and everything that He is about, yet that is ok with people.
    Only Christianity should be taught in schools since this was suppose to be a God fearing nation.
    However, the people do not want to have God in this nation any longer so does it really matter?

    We home school.

    Private emails accepted
    Peace and Grace

  • Religious doctrines should be taught at home and in places of worship, unless it is a private school based on affiliation with a specific religion.

    Only science should be taught in school and it should be taught as science. Science has nothing to say about religion and science teachers should have nothing to say about religion. Science deals with understanding the processes we find in the physical universe. Religion concerns itself with the purpose of creation and humanity. They are separate domains and should remain so.

  • That would only be the BAD christians with the screwed thinking as defined by the christian churches!!!

    The Pope, Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!!

    Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!!

  • we had a problem with this in England when the 1st American Academy schools were opened
    and they were teaching children this theory
    there was so much concern that the Archbishop of Canterbury actually wrote to the prime minister and said that science should be taught in school and creationist theories left to those who are more qualified IE the religions themselves

  • Either none of them be taught or all of them are taught or else the Establishment Clause would be violated. If all of them are taught, then it should be as an elective and never forced. If the teacher ever advocates a single religion as truth, it should be immediately discontinued.

  • Do they, really? I don’t think they do.

    26: Jesuit Father George V. Coyne, director of the Vatican Observatory said:
    “Intelligent Design reduces and belittles God.”

  • Intelligent Design is basically a religious concept and, as such, has no place in public school curricula.

    There is ample opportunity for parents to teach Intelligent Design to their children at home and in Sunday School.

  • When Intelligent Design has produced some evidence, been through the peer-review process, and is accepted as fact by the scientific community, yes, it should be taught in schools.

    This will occur about seventeen years after never.

  • They say that because Evolution is already being filled in the minds of young adults who will go out in the world someday. Don’t you think it is a bit stupid for christians to try to impose other reigions .

  • No religion should be supported by government schooling, and that includes evolutionism. To take a man’s money and use it to pursue ends objectionable to him is the worst form of tyranny.

  • What is there to teach?

    Life is complex + God did it = Intelligent design. (Or “Aliens did it” in regards to Scientology)

    How boring and unoriginal.

  • Technically, there isn’t a single form of intelligent design. They’ve never bothered to make a coherent idea or model out of it.

  • This is true, that’s why it’s impractical to teach even one.
    Plus that whole Separation of Church and State stuff… They can go to a religious school for that.

  • I say that should be tought in the History classes….

    oh wait, it’s taught in history, and english, but not science…. why?

    ID isn’t science.

  • Doesn’t school aim to educate? If so, all forms of ID and Evolution theories should be presented.


  • All views should be presented without bias or telling students what or how to think. Teacher’s should not even be allowed to give there opinion during class time…

  • In comparative religion, folk history, and mythology classes.

  • Don’t forget to teach intelligent falling instead of those stupid Newtonian laws that are just theories dear….

    LOL !

  • Intelligent design, lol the irony.

  • Sure, and that would be the only thing taught because there are only a few million versions of how things got started.

  • Schools are for education, not religion!

  • I think you need to go to the library and do some serious reading on world religions.

  • according to creationists schools don’t exist because god didn’t create them.

  • Bravo.

  • Doesn’t school aim to educate? If so, no form of ID should be taught.

  • Let’s go with none of them instead.But if xian id is admitted then I agree.

  • Absolutely. Until then, we stick to the curriculum as is.

  • All or none…that should be reasonable. But then, you wouldn’t get anything else taught.

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