should i get married to somone i have known for 4 months?

i believe she is the ‘one’ , i hate not being with her, she says she yearns to be with me, is it too early?


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  • go ahead – how else will you know – hey if it doesn’t work (it’ll be costly ) but we have to make our own mistakes and learn from them. I say if you are not hesitant – do it – have fun


  • I personally think that 4 months is too early as the too of you don’t really know each other yet. At the moment you think that she is the one and hopefully she is, but if she is the one then waiting another year should make no difference at all if you still feel the same way in a year them you could get engaged but don’t rush into a marriage just yet. The rate of divorce is high and when you get married remember you have to want to be with this person for the rest of your life, go into it with both eye open because this will be the person that you are going to wake up next to for next 40plus years so make sure that you make the right, and not rush decision. If you love each other then you both should be able to wait a few months longer

  • Ok, I am not telling you what to do, you are the only that can decide that. My husband and I have been together for 27 years. We had our first date on a Monday night, he ask me to marry him Wednesday night. We didn’t get married until 4 months later.

    We are still together. I have known people who have gotten married after a 3 year engagement, and they don’t even get past the honeymoon hardly. It’s the people that is involved. If the love is truely there or not. I knew..he knew..we didn’t want to wait for a year or more. So, we got married, and we have stayed married. There is no time frame involved here. It’s the feelings and emotions! Do you want to spend the rest of your life with this woman? Does she want to spend the rest of her life with you? Did I honestly know that it work when I got married? Yes, without a doubt in my heart? No second thoughts, no last minute wedding jitters..nope, I walked down the aisle, and I have been with my life’s partner ever since.

    People are going to tell you not to jump into this so quickly. I guess I should too, but I am not. It’s your move, your choice, your decision. But don’t believe all the people that says it won’t work, because in some cases it does…like mine!

    God bless us all……..

    Source(s): 27 years of marriage

    4 months of dating before the I do’s

  • hicapaul. Cupid can play some wonderful games. he shoots his arrow and boom your in love. It’s nice to know that love is still in this world of confusion. 4 months may seem a life time, but how well do you know her and her you, those little annoying things partners do, all the little annoying things that you do, would you both be able to cope with them? Marriage is a serious thing and should not be entered lightly. I understand that you yearn to be with her when she is not there, but is it out of being lonely or do you generally miss her. Every relationship has a honeymoon period, it is then that problems set in. My suggestion is to wait a little longer, if the feelings are the same then go for it, if not it was not meant to be, Take a great deal of thought before you plunge into a life that may be full of Roses or a great deal of disappointment

  • Personally I would never get married to someone after only known them for 4 months. You are probably just having an amazingly awesome honeymoon period and in love. For me I think I would get married only after being with someone for at least 3 years, because I feel that I would really know them by then. But then I know of a couple who got married after knowing each other for 2 weeks and are still together after having nine children!!!

    So I guess you just need to think about whether you know her well enough and whether you think getting married at this early stage is going to make your relationship any better. Maybe have a long engagement? It’s up to you. Good luck.

  • What you’re experiencing is the biology that keeps the species going.

    That first few months of any relationship are the greatest thing ever, the sex is great, the laughter is great, everything is perfect. Five minutes after leaving that person’s house you’re on the phone to them, just because you can’t bare being away from them. We’re programmed to get dizzy on love for the first few months in order to breed and keep the species going.

    It’s after the first few months the madness hormones slow down and we start seeing the ‘real ‘ person. Perhaps we like them, perhaps we don’t.

    Marry if you want to, but know that the odds are the lust are wear off and not be replaced by a deep and lasting relationship. Long for a year long engagement to give you both time.

    It the proverb is true in many cases – marry in haste, repent in leisure.

  • very rarely does it work when two people have only known each other a short time. What you are both feeling now is so natural almost everyone feels in the same in the early days of a relationship. Why not just get engaged for now untill you get to know each other properly . You never know once the first rush has ebbed you might feel different, good luck

  • Yes, it’s too early.

    In my opinion, 4 months is NOT long enough to get to totally know someone.

    This is what’ll happen…

    You’ll get married, and move in together. Both of you will be fine, for a little bit. Then, that’s where the little problems start. You’ll start noticing eachothers petty little ‘at-home’ bad habits. You’ll start fighting once one of you is fed up with the others’ habits. You’ll get a divorce and it’ll be horrible.

    Seriously, re-think your situation. Just because you LOVE being around someone, and vice-versa, does NOT mean you should be getting married.

    My advice, slow down. Take your time and just enjoy eachothers presence. It’ll help in the long run.

  • If you have to ask on Yahoo!

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    then you aren’t ready to marry her.

    You still have that early relationship state of mind where you almost get a high from being around the other person and can’t stand being apart.

    Wait until this early relationship state passes and you can see each other for who you really are. If you fall in love and everything seems to fall into place and you still can’t live without her get married.

  • It is hard to answer that for someone else – everyone is different, as evidenced by the variety of answers

    However, my parents met in January, were engaged in March and married in June – of the same year. They were 21 and 23 – and they were married for 45 years. Of course all marriages will have their ups and downs, but you work things out, and it’s even better!

    I would say that it depends on how old you both are, and what stage of studies/work you are at. It is good to go to marriage counselling to make sure you are on the same track as regards handling finances, having children etc.

  • Speaking from experience, WAIT. Give your relationship a chance to mature and let eachother fully get comfortable with eachother. Its still early and you are both blinded by your love and attraction that you could still be fronting that dating front were you dont let someone see the 1% you and are only showing eachother the better 90%. If its true love you can wait till your first really big fight were you see eachothr for the first time.then once its all on the table take the leap knowing there wont be another big sprise about yourselfs.

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