Evidence for creationism?

6 ✅ Answers ? Favorite Answer Creationism is not a science, but a thinly veiled critique, on the scientific theory (explanation) of biological evolution by natural selection. This critique is funded by religious groups and individuals who are concerned that the scientific explanation contradicts fundamentalist interpretations of the origin myths in their religious scriptures. Creationism … Read more

How would an anthropologist analyse Ted Bundy?

Need this for my anthro assignment. How would an anthropologist analyse him? Thanks! ✅ Answers Answerer 1 This depends on the type of anthropologist you ask. After all, there are four branches of anthropology: biological, archaeological, linguistic, and cultural. I’m assuming you’d like to hear answers from a cultural anthropologist, but even then, I’m not … Read more

What does ecomarxism mean?

Please define what is ecomarxism as easy to understand as possible. thanks ✅ Answers ? Best Answer The Concept of Ecomarxism Marxism, which condemns capitalists for destroying the proletariat class, led ecomarxists to believe capitalists are to blame for every ecological problem we face today. My understanding is that capitalism is blind; it simply follows … Read more