Telling my parents about being a vegetarian?

Hi. I’m becoming a vegetarian. I still live with my parents (I’m 13) and I need to tell them so I can get my foods and stuff to live. My family is pretty big with the meat (yeah, ew.) and I hate it, the thought of eating meat grosses me out. I don’t know how they will take my decision, and I don’t know how I will tell them. Even if they don’t support my decision I need to tell them. How to I tell them this? And when do I tell them??

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  • Learn to cook and to eat vegetables, rather than just eliminating meat.

    You’ll find that the average teenage vegetarian faces parental resistance because they demand the parent cook two meals every evening and/or demand expensive pre-made vegetarian short cuts. So the entire burden of your being Vegetarian is on parent. Learn to cook and it’s your job making sure you have beans for dinner, rather than their job to make their dinner and cook you beans.

    The second reason is nutrition. A lot teen Vegetarians don’t eat healthy. Instead, they just don’t eat meat, substituting nothing but starches and fat, pretending that it’s moral choice that they’re picky. I guarantee, that after 13 years of trying to get you to eat vegetables, they won’t object to your diet, if you’re actually eating vegetables. Not just dollar a patty veggie burgers and all the french fries you can get.

  • Tell them your reason(s) for going veggie and hope they respect you for it. Good luck!

  • For a vegetarian I regret to inform you that you don’t’ communicate normally – and that you eat animal meat every week, what ever variety of animal meat you want to choose from, which makes your suggestion about being grossed out by meat more than a litle odd.

    Odd, like odd toed ungulate odd.

  • tell them your’e gay.
    then say j/k… i’m a vegetarian!

  • I told my parents when I was 16. They will pick it up soon. What do you do at dinner time?

    I don’t know how you should tell them since I do not know your parents. I would guess you should just tell them.

  • Vegetables have the risk of having Fecices in them that’s poop

  • Just say that you want to try vegetarian. Make it easy on them so they don’t freak out. Say that you will come up with meal ideas and help cook too. Do some research and put together a report on it. In the report include protein sources, smoothie recipes, best vegetables etc. Good luck to you!

    (I told my parents when I was in gr. 4) (Now Vegan)

  • Just don’t do what I did when I was 11 and was so sick of being forced to eat meat that I had a fit at the dinner table and yelled that I wasn’t going to eat any more damn meat. That didn’t work. But that was many years ago, and the options for researching vegetarianism were pretty limited at the time- imagine no internet and living an hour away from the nearest library.

    So I recommend doing your research- find some vegetarian recipes that sound good and learn to cook. Offer to cook them for the whole family. I thought my parents were the biggest meat eaters out there and unwilling to be open minded, but I was wrong. You’ll want to gather some facts about how nutritious a vegetarian diet can be and when you tell your parents try to be calm and non-confrontational. Say you’ve been thinking about this a long time and then state the reasons why you feel the way you do. Tell them you don’t expect them to start cooking two meals every night, but that you want to help out and learn to cook. Go along when they go grocery shopping.

    I hope they support you, mine eventually did. But be prepared to compromise if they don’t. At first all mine would agree to was that I didn’t have to eat pork any more. But eventually they came around. Good luck to you and I strongly recommend that when you tell them you minimize the ew factor and emphasize the health reasons for being vegetarian.

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