What are some arguments as to why lowering the legal driving age is good?

I am doing debating at school and I really need some arguments why lowering the legal driving age is GOOD because I can’t find ANYTHING!!!! Thank you for helping 🙂

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  • some times it’s good, we had this kid at school who lives with his mum and she couldn’t drive due to an illness, and he is the only one who helps her so he had to drive without a license sometimes just to get her what she wants.

    well I couldn’t think of any other reason. 18 sounds good.

  • It makes it more likely that stupid teenagers will remove themselves from the gene pool before they reproduce.

  • will stop people driving underage illegally
    will stop kids being a burden to parents
    age shouldnt affect ones abillity to drive

  • It could be good in case of an emergency if you are home alone and something happens to where you get hurt and are alone and need medical attention. Also if there is a tornado you have no one to take you because your parents didn’t know that day and they gave warning and she was to far away to come get you. You could drive to the hotel she is at. However when you explain your point I would say their should be a rule to where all kids must have a driving course in school at some point in middle school to teach you how to drive in case of an emergency only. Good luck with your debate. Hope I helped 🙂

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